Car Rammed Because It Had a Trump Bumper Sticker – IOTW Report

Car Rammed Because It Had a Trump Bumper Sticker


A driver rammed by a car believes he was targeted because he had a President Trump bumper sticker on his SUV. A woman from Taunton is facing charges.

“I could hear her screaming out of the car or something, so I thought man maybe something’s wrong with my car,” said the man who did not want to be identified. “I get out, all of a sudden I hear, ‘you’re racist’ a bunch of cuss words.”

wreight Hit & Run Victim Says He Was Targeted Because Of Trump Bumper Sticker

Chloe Wright of Taunton (WBZ-TV)

The incident happened on North Street in Hyannis, but he says it started earlier when she was honking and yelling at him. “The first thing she said when I came out of the car was ‘Did you vote for Trump?’ and I was like ‘Yeah, what of it.’ And that was pretty much what triggered this, it was like nonstop.”

Wright has been charged with Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon.


ht/ js

41 Comments on Car Rammed Because It Had a Trump Bumper Sticker

  1. I must admit, I’ve flipped off a few democrat bummer stickers and those goofs with the giant inflatable rat.

    Chasing them down and harming them? Never entered my mind.

  2. With so many “triggered” Leftists, it’s time to call for nationwide Open Carry.

    “Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon”?!? B!tch should actually be charged with attempted murder with a DEADLY weapon (car deaths are way up there…).

  3. The progressives have violently attacked conservatives in America for 68 years. But the bigots at the MSM , including Schatz yesterday, have said and still say it is conservatives who’d are violent. The biggest reason the major “news”papers and networks have seen their customers leave the last 40 years. they lie, and their lies are a plain as the nose on your face (miss ya).

  4. These people are deranged.
    Just like with the negroes killing cops, this is going to escalate.
    The Judges, the lawyers, the Media, izlamism, all the maggoty churches, Academia, the Unions, and last, but not least, the RINOs so thoroughly hate America, and all for which she stands, that they’re losing their grip on reality.
    They cannot abide the ideas of Freedom, Liberty, and Equality – and will fight, to their last breaths, to destroy all that is good and decent.

    We’re in for some interesting times.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I have a US Army and a Trump/Pence sticker on my car. Nobody fucked with me ..yet.
    Better not. But the way it is here, I’d probably go to jail for assault.
    Country is fucked up!

  6. This is why I keep my politics to myself, my family, and a few trusted friends and associates (and IOTWR, of course). You just don’t know what the crazies out there will do to you or your property.

  7. My ballcaps are starting to wear.
    So last week I bought a red MAGA hat as well as a “Keep America Great 2020” hat. Let’s see how these go over in Nueva Jersey. So far so good. And I am starting to video.

  8. Vietvet

    Smart man. Unless you’re itching for a fight. There’s some young guys at the gym wearing all things MAGA. (No Butt Plugs I Know Of) They are Trumpsters. But they’re young and itching for a fight. I wished them well.
    I occasionally wear my MAGA hat. I’d wear it more, but honestly the hat sucks. Doesn’t fit well. Have a new hat on the way.

  9. Massachussets? Had he done anything but die, the shit-for-brains there would have him in prison for the rest of his life.

    Here’s your sign sir. Sometimes you only get one chance, this is it.

  10. The complete lack of civility and respect on behalf of the liberal dems is on full display.

    I personally have no intention of accommodating their savage, barbaric array of condescending outrages.

  11. ol ex jarhead,

    It’s ramping up in the last 68 years, the democrats did this back in the mid 1860’s and 600,000 people died because of them.

    Let’s hope they don’t push us into a repeat. [they’ll lose again though]

  12. Not having the high intellect of most posters here I have a question.

    As I carry a 38 and a 41, does that mean I’m carrying a 79?

    I believe I’m faster on drawing a second weapon then trying a reload. And am ashamed to admit I sometimes don’t have the extra mags with me…

  13. You really have to use wisdom in these times, that’s why I never let the insane left know anything about my conservative political affilliation which is definitely, MAGA!, KAGA! I’m not on Facebook, Twitter or any social media except LinkedIn, and might drop that soon. No bumper stickers or hats, pins etc. I live in a predominately progressive, left elitist and troll area, even thogh my state legislature is solid right (for now), so I have to be stategic.
    Defend yourself when you have too, but don’t invite unesscessary trouble.

  14. Nut jobs like Maxine Waters are whipping these leftist crazies into a frenzy by encouraging people to confront members of the Trump administration, but to leftists, anybody besides members of their own cult are fair game.
    That’s why i don’t place anything on my car or home that says i voted for and support Trump. Not that we don’t have a right to but like others have said i don’t want to invite unnecessary trouble. Leftist crazies are always itching for a fight.

  15. Anonymous

    “What a shame, we shouldn’t have to keep our head down in America, but I admit I do it too.”

    In my mind there’s about a 99% chance the shit will hit the fan. If it doesn’t happen in November of 2018 it will happen on Trumps reelection in 2020. Let the Proud Boys (whom need to learn how to fight) deal with this shit. Interesting stuff going on in Portlandia and Seattle this month. We are not hiding, we are waiting.

  16. Yea Joe back in the day the Freaks, Flakes, and Nuts use to stay in the shadows in SF. No more. Front and center. The only people that visit there anymore are from the mid west. What a shit hole. Literally.

  17. DH has been hinting that I should remove Trump sticker from my van. He had to remove his from his SUV shortly after Trump’s inauguration because someone wrote a nasty on it at Home Depot.

    I really miss wearing my Trump broach, but it was time to put it away. I tried to get the NRA to make and sell NRA pins/broaches. After being transferred to about 8 different people I finally reached someone who said they’d have someone phone me back. They never did.

    I could easily see women buying them.

  18. @Bad_Brad (August 1, 2018 at 9:59 pm): I don’t ever recall itching for a fight, but I always tried not to back down from one, either, even if I knew I was going to get my butt kicked. You have to let the bullies know it’s going to cost them, even when they win. Today I’m too old for that nonsense, so that makes me even more dangerous. As you know, guys that are too old to fight will just shoot your ass instead.


  19. Vietvet

    I at times I’ve itched for a fight. But no blind rage. I weigh my options until I know they are in my favor, with two exceptions. And I was lucky and prevailed on those. I don’t like getting hit. It actually hurts a little. I have been hit before. Don’t like it. Got in a big feud when I was around 24 over some bull shit. Ex class mates. One of the bad asses on the other side accused me of fighting fights only when I had the upper hand, as he had us out numbered two to one. I waited until I found him alone with his little brother. I beat his ass. So I guess he was right. What’s the name of the game? I win. That’s very important to remember.

  20. PS
    It was Kidney Stone Wednesday. Nothing like waking up feeling like you got a knife stuck through your side. Started pounding the water early. Worked 12 and came home with a bottle of Jack. Feeling pretty damn good right now. Good night.


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