Carefully Vetted – With Loving Care – IOTW Report

Carefully Vetted – With Loving Care


14 Comments on Carefully Vetted – With Loving Care

  1. B. Hussein Obama has assigned this essential and delicate task to Crazy Joe Biden. He will personally and carefully vet them with his own hand picked personal veterinarian! Crazy Joe has assured the public that no sick goats will be allowed in!

  2. If you can’t trust the people who failed to keep the White House Party Crashers, the Salahis, out of the White House; the crazed Mandella sign language guy; the fence jumpers; the guy with a prison record in the elevator with 0bama, etc, then who the hell is more qualified?

  3. As someone here pointed out earlier this year:

    A “Radical Muslim” wants to kill you and your family and cut off your heads.

    A “Moderate Muslim” wants a Radical Muslim to kill you and your family and cut off your heads.

    Think of the many symbols of Christianity. The cross, the fish, the dove. Muhammad brought two symbols of Islam: the Koran and the Sword. If you read the Koran you will clearly understand why he needed the sword.

    How hard of a lesson does the American public need before they finally come to recognize Islam for the horror it always has been?? Islam does not require reformation, it requires extermination.

  4. If some 26 year old Syrian with scars, a beard, and angry demeanor is in line at an airport standing next to a 89 year old arthritic woman with osteoporosis and scoliosis, this group of demented bastards will pull her out of line for extended cavity search and Clockwork Orange style interrogation, while the Syrian terrorist is given a golf cart ride to his gate.

    Yeah, I trust these mother-fuckers with my life…

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