Carl Bernstein: Sources say Barr preparing to deliver ‘evidence’ of a ‘deep state conspiracy’ – IOTW Report

Carl Bernstein: Sources say Barr preparing to deliver ‘evidence’ of a ‘deep state conspiracy’


Veteran investigative journalist Carl Bernstein said his sources are telling him that Attorney General William Barr is preparing to push a “deep state” conspiracy to protect President Trump.

During an appearance Thursday on CNN, the famed Watergate sleuth reacted to controversy about an intelligence community whistleblower who filed a complaint alleging Trump improperly leveraged military aid to encourage Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

Trump attacking the whistleblower’s sources as being “close to a spy” and alluding to capital punishment, Bernstein said, provided “real time” evidence of the president’s corruption. Additionally, Bernstein said the release of the Trump-Zelensky call transcript and the whistleblower’s complaint provided more “terrible evidence of the president’s corruption, of his willingness to undermine the free electoral system in this country, to involve foreign powers in our election, and also to try and get involved at the president’s behest there.”

The complaint and the notes of the July 25 call, both released to the public this week, show Trump urged Zelensky to speak with his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and Barr about investigating the matter related to Joe Biden, who is now a leading Democratic candidate for president.

The Justice Department denies Barr ever spoke to Trump about it, and the attorney general has resisted Democratic calls for him to recuse himself from Ukraine-related investigations, but Bernstein insisted that Trump’s comments are proof of the attorney general’s “conniving” to put out a narrative about sinister forces within the federal government bureaucracy taking aim at Trump.

The Justice Department also received a criminal referral about a potential campaign finance violation in relation to Trump’s phone conversation with Zelensky, but declined to take action after a review.

Bernstein said Barr is trying to “bring about proof that there is a deep state conspiracy that led to” special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation and suggested that this is a story other journalists are chasing. “Barr is trying to deliver — I have his from other reporters from other sources — to deliver evidence that perhaps this has all been a deep state conspiracy just like Donald Trump alleges,” he said. read more

31 Comments on Carl Bernstein: Sources say Barr preparing to deliver ‘evidence’ of a ‘deep state conspiracy’

  1. Ah yes, Carl Bernstein. The “journalist” who made a career off of receiving stolen secret gov’t documents from Mark Felt and publishing them. Give him the E.R. Murrow award…and an honorary Nobel prize.

  2. “to protect President Trump”? How about adding the rest?. To ferret out and expose corrupt traitorous swamp rats deserving to be prosecuted and imprisoned.
    Low expectations that it will really happen, but it should.

  3. They’re just flat-out making shit up on a daily basis now and pronouncing “guilty, with no possibility of innocence.” The Mueller Investigation seems almost tame now compared to the past 2 days. They brazenly continue because they can. They get away with it. No one has paid a real price for any of this yet. The “line” was crossed long ago. Innocent people are being destroyed and the list is growing. There’s no way the Left can simply walk this back, no apology is even possible at this time. If they can do this to a sitting President, they can do it to anyone. People must go to prison for this.

    Yes, A.G Barr, where are you?

  4. This is why I tune out.

    If you stay tuned, it will simply drive you insane while there is absolutely NOTHING that ANYONE on this blog can do about it.

    Throw your phone in the lake an go fishing.

  5. @ Fritz the Cat (ralph bakshi) good name – IF you tune out? Accept your own fate.

    You tune out, yet, you are here?

    Believe me I would like to ‘toon’ out, but I cannot, I have two young boys, high schoolers. Should I or others tune out?

    BTW I LOVE a great tune…

  6. @ Ted and Jimmy – do please explain? Is this not “a place for the free expression of thoughts and ideas”.

    H/t – Bob Grant R.I.P.

    Now, “get OFF MY PHONE”. That’s an inside NYC old radio joke…

  7. Thanks for the heads up, Ted. It’s going to be a long, ugly fight.

    ghost – words come too easily to me when I’m angry and right now, I’d give me an angry rating of 9 on a scale of 10. Best to shut up for the night.

  8. @ghost of brig … ~ Fritz the Cat was a creation of the late, great Robert Crumb

    the genius that created ‘keep on truckin”, ‘mr. natural’, ‘flaky the font’ & the ever-mother ‘Applesauce McSpade’

  9. @ Jimmy – do you not think I am fucking pissed right now??

    @ Molon – thanks, will look that up. Meanwhile, look up
    Wizards, and relationship to Bradburys’ The Illustrated Man…crazy.


    Another fantastic movie for anyone that would like to watch:

    American Pop by RB:

    LOTR by RB:

    Animation at it’s best.

  10. @Jimmy – props, but the ‘howdy doody’ masks need to be ripped OFF, ‘THEY’ have made, the point, that as a citizen my back is being put up against the wall, as is yours. Guess what happens when THAT happens.

    We go for the jugular, this is NO time to back down.

    Like you indicated, I dig this shit but I also dig
    J Cash, with the same attitude:

    I Won’t Back Down:

    Tom Petty sings in the back vocals…

    Right on.

  11. So glad to see so many acknowledge that from the start this ‘hack’ should have been called out long ago.
    What a genius reporter!
    Work in ‘Deep Throat'(is the pseudonym given to the secret informant who provided information in 1972 to Bob Woodward, who shared it with Carl Bernstein) to your story and there you go.
    This lazy prick didn’t even do the research.
    And like Fritz the cat, also had his flaws, was not ambidextrous.
    (all you made me slide that in for you)

  12. The fact that this Pissant Partisan Hack sat silent thru the enire regimes of Bill Clinton and the Marxist Muzlim Mallard tells me everything I need to know about Carl Fcuking Bernstein!

  13. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – Beat me to it, but, it’s Angelfood and Foont. I have a stack of 50 or 60 underground comics from the 60’s and still read ’em from time-to-time. Gilbert Shelton, S. Clay Wilson, great stuff.

  14. I contemplated last night, that the Barr investigation is going to wrap up soon and the Dems know it and need a Trump impeachment to suck all the air out of the room and distract.
    Levin suspects that Schiff and Dems have known of this Whistleblower and have steadily leaked info to get it into the light and at the right time they would open this can of impeachment. I think he is right and the whistleblower complaint was written by the dems and their lawyers and leaked out over the past several weeks to generate a s-storm. They know the Barr report is going to get a lot of attention so they need impeachment to distract.

  15. AbigailAdams


    When someone is called,” investigative journalist: we need to understand it is liberal code for AMERICA HATER!

    Carl has either been a KGB agent, ot the tool of a KGB agent for 50 years!

    the LSM has lied to America for 76 years. Calling Carl an investigative journalist is a lie! He never investigates, he reports AmericA hate propaganda!

    So, of course he is on CNN


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