Catch up on Clinton history and buy some cigars – IOTW Report

Catch up on Clinton history and buy some cigars

hillary clinton history video

Video here or here.

Now, about those Cigars...

Send Cigars to Clinton is an offhanded, not so subtle, nod to Former President Bill Clinton’s tryst with White House intern Monica Lewinsky (story here) that allows you to purchase a cigar, or cigars, to be delivered to Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Headquarters as a not so gentle reminder of her first stay in the White House.

If you’re tired of Hillary’s lies, cheating, and deceitful practices join us in telling her “No cigar in 2016!” by purchasing a cigar that will be delivered, with thousands of others, directly to her 2016 Campaign Headquarters!

Proceeds from the gifting of cigars at are donated to MORE

Clinton / Lewinsky 2016 · Don’t Blow It!

4 Comments on Catch up on Clinton history and buy some cigars

  1. It’s a very clever campaign, and I like the idea of veterans benefiting, but I find it irksome (and nauseating, even) that these cigars could conceivably wind up in Bill’s hands, and then… elsewhere, shall we say. Of course, these cigars won’t be good enough for the millionaire master bilker to actually smoke. I think I will just send the veterans a donation.

  2. The videos and facts beg answers.

    “Why aren’t the GOP candidates and the media bringing these issues to the forefront?”

    “Why aren’t bill and hillary in a federal penitentiary?”

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