Cawthorn — ‘Lawmakers invited me to sexual orgy, did cocaine in front of me’ – IOTW Report

Cawthorn — ‘Lawmakers invited me to sexual orgy, did cocaine in front of me’

CFP: Madison Cawthorn says his fellow lawmakers have invited him to take part in orgies in Washington and snorted lines of cocaine right in front of him. Cawthorn was asked in an interview whether the former Netflix series “House of Cards,” was fiction or whether it portrayed the real Washington.

“The sexual perversion that goes on in Washington. I mean, being kind of a young guy in Washington, where the average age is probably 60 or 70 — you look at all these people, a lot of them that I’ve looked up to through my life, I’ve always paid attention to politics,” Cawthorn began.

“Then all of a sudden you get invited — ‘We’re going to have a sexual get-together at one of our homes, you should come.’ — What did you just ask me to come to? And then you realize they’re asking you to come to an orgy.  Some of the people leading on the movement to try and remove addiction in our country, and then you watch them do a bump of cocaine right in front of you. And it’s like, this is wild.” watch

32 Comments on Cawthorn — ‘Lawmakers invited me to sexual orgy, did cocaine in front of me’

  1. Been there. My girlfriend’s bestie was hired as “office manager” for an Olympia politician right out of high school. Yea right, she was the village bike all through high school and was hired to be the party favor in Olympia. The Republicans and Democrats were side by side at the parties doing cocaine and the politicians and their spouses or “significant others” were not the least bit concerned with discretion when it came to their philandering.

  2. I sent in my check. To join NAMBLA. Made sure it wasn’t the Marlon Brando’s site! THOSE FREAKS!

    HEY! It’s full of pederasts!

    Oh. No. That’s OK. I’ll keep my membership current. For now.

  3. I love the hell out of the Warrior Poet Society and John Lovell. Best common sense tactical advise on the air waves. I’m about 70% there with Cawthorn but inquiring minds and all. As I go down my check list of requirements for peeps I’d invite to an orgy, right below must have titts and not dick, is no wheel chair bound people. Unless they’re running the camera.
    Next question. Why on earth did he go? Saggy balls and saggy breast is not my idea of a good view. And I’m just referring to the men.

  4. “That’s where they get you to do stupid, illegal stuff so they can blackmail your and extort votes out of you.”

    It’s a tactic in Hollywood too.

    Want a career in Hollywood? We need photos and film footage of you getting it in the rear, Mr Affleck.

  5. Brad, I couldn’t find the part where it said he went. Just that a bump of cocaine was done in front of him.

    Didn’t say where that happened, as far as I can tell.

    Could have been in the people’s house somewhere.

  6. Having grown up in Olympia, we all knew how vile lawmakers and their staff could be. Back in late 70s/early 80s there was a scandal involving a couple of male lawmakers who were meeting up regularly at a boat house at the far side of Capitol lake. When this came out people started referring to it as the “fairy terminal.” JDHasty, I went to school with Mike Bagnariol — same class in H.S.

  7. Brad, I read the cocaine comment as separate from the orgy, he made it to imply hypocrisy since this is the same crowd concerned about drug addiction.

    If in fact, he did attend the orgy, he is an idiot. My first reaction would be that someone is trying to set me up, to get me in a compromised affair, taped, for future favors or blackmail. We want our representatives to be smarter than this.

  8. Rich Taylor

    Your assumption would mean these idiots are snorting coke all over DC. Hey, ya want to go to an orgy, In your wheel chair? Snort. The whole damn thing sounds like bull shit to me. Nobody does coke that much and lives to be that old. I dunno man, I think I need a time out.

  9. “Your assumption would mean these idiots are snorting coke all over DC”

    No, just that he witnessed it, he did not mention how prevalent it is.

    He could have been referencing a staffer or a lower level functionary working for a Rep who uses drug addiction as a campaign issue. Or, he could have made the whole thing up to curry favor with his constituents. Lying is part of the job description.

  10. Rich

    You’re fucking kidding me right Rich? I’ll stop there. Tell me what he said wasn’t suppose to lead you to believe he attended? Something seriously fucked up here.

  11. Back in my 20’s a good friend of mine got hurt on a rig and was paralyzed from the waist down. A couple other friends visited him and thought they were helping by bringing some buds and coke, the buds were only OK, but the coke caused instant spasms and they hightailed it out of there. Turns out spinal cord injuries and cocaine are not a good mix..I’m thinking Cawthorn made a good choice by passing.

  12. Cawthorne’s an agent provocateur. Why else would you invite someone to an orgy that’s numb from the waste down unless they could part their hair with their tongue. I’m out.

  13. @ Sippin Coffee

    “Need to outlaw sexual perversion and drug use.”

    Outlawing opposition parties is what commies and fascists do. Just string up the ones that get caught and leave it hanging at that.

  14. For years I have maintained that politicians need to pass background checks and drug testing before running for office… and during if there are any issues. Needless to say a good percentage of these charlatans would be on public assistance cuz they damn sure would be working in the public sector either!

  15. @Brad: “Next question. Why on earth did he go? Saggy balls and saggy breast is not my idea of a good view. And I’m just referring to the men.”

    Oh I’d go in a heart beat. Are you kidding me? I’d love to go and see what these freaks do on their spare time. Orgy, drugs, sounds kinda sexy….. I’d have my camera rolling….blackmail anyone?

  16. @Rich Taylor
    Did you read the article?
    That was according to ….

    “Axios reported on the meeting:

    McCarthy said Cawthorn conceded some of his remarks were untrue and “exaggerated.””

    Yeah, take the word of RINO McCarthy, reported in leftist outlet Axios.


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