Chalupa is not merely a Taco Bell menu item; it’s also an exploding cigar – IOTW Report

Chalupa is not merely a Taco Bell menu item; it’s also an exploding cigar

American Thinker/ Thomas Lifson:

Democrats have opened Pandora’s Box by taking up the subject of election influence coming from Ukraine.  They seized upon the conversation between President Trump and Ukraine’s President Zelensky, leaked by a Deep State operative embedded in the White House to someone claiming the status of whistleblower as the basis for their public impeachment hoax.  It is a hoax for three reasons:

  1. Because no actual impeachment committee has been established, as that would require their vulnerable members from districts Trump carried in 2016 to take an actual position on a dodgy impeachment enterprise.
  2. Because Trump said nothing wrong in his conversation.  They expected him to keep the text of the call secret, but his transparency foiled their efforts to mischaracterize it.
  3. Because they know that Democrats enlisted help from Ukraine in 2016, so this impugning of Trump is yet another case of Democrats accusing Republicans of doing what they have done.  And they are terrified of this coming out.

As it so happens, one of the key figures in the 2016 Democrat effort to influence the election with help from a foreign government has the entertaining name of Chalupa, a word seized upon by the Taco Bell chain for a menu item.  Mollie Hemingway explains:

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