Charles Woods blasts Hillary for lying – again – about the death of his son – IOTW Report

Charles Woods blasts Hillary for lying – again – about the death of his son

CFP: If you watched this weekend’s Fox News Sunday, you saw an interview with Hillary Clinton in which she displayed an almost supernatural ability to expand both the scope and volume of her fabrications. Lying is nothing new for the unindicted Democrat frontrunner, but the public’s never-ending tolerance for her outright falsehoods is disturbing.  One person who’s not willing to sit idly by and listen to her fiction is Charles Woods, the father slain US Navy Seal Tyrone woods.

As you’re no doubt aware, Woods was one of the four heroes who perished in the Benghazi attacks.  Like all of the Benghazi relatives, Charles Woods has made it clear that Hillary did, in fact, tell the parents of the fallen that a YouTube triggered the assault that took his son’s life.

5 Comments on Charles Woods blasts Hillary for lying – again – about the death of his son

  1. methinks the only people that believe HRC at this point are the people who already plan to vote for her at least once.

    She isn’t helping herself, except maybe keeping together what is left of her pride.

  2. Hillary is a pathological liar. The minute she opens her mouth, lies are emitted. Then she has to slip and slide, trying to justify what she said, if confronted by truthful facts, testimony or even video. As she ages, she slips further and further into the wretched web of lies she creates and irreparable holes develop.

    Going down in flames, because she is losing supporters who are tired of her shot-from-the-hip lies. THAT is why she won’t risk spontaneous questions or press conferences. The handlers/caretakers can’t risk it.

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