Chicago To Require Those Returning From Wisconsin Vacation To Quarantine For 14 Days – IOTW Report

Chicago To Require Those Returning From Wisconsin Vacation To Quarantine For 14 Days

Compliance is expected to be minimal More

19 Comments on Chicago To Require Those Returning From Wisconsin Vacation To Quarantine For 14 Days

  1. If this crazy lesbo gets reelected, Chicago is burnt toast. What a waste of a great city. Will the people ever wake up and realize your black life doesn’t matter? Or is the generational welfare just too good?

  2. We stayed in Wisconsin Dells last NIGHT and the hotel was PACKED with people from, I think, Chicago, or points south. No masks required in Wisconsin, GOOD, BUT the pool was PACKED. It was kinda a petry dish looking sight. COffee and tea in the morning was not good so we walked across a small field to get it from the gas station mart.

    It was nice these daze not having to walk into the hotel with a mask on. THEY did practice the six feet thingie though.

    Posting tonight from a really nice hotel on a lake in Alexandria, MN, got lucky with this place, ‘Arrowood Resort’ for anyone that lives in this area I HIGHLY recommend.

    Headed to Bismarck tomorrow to see the capital buildng and the ‘Raccoon Lodge’ Cemetery from the Honeymooners fame. (I doubt it really exists, I want to check anyway).

    Oh btw, we DROVE through the CENTER of Shitcago on Michigan Ave, ‘ask me a question’ and through Minneapolis/St Paul on the highway.


  3. Miss Kitty – I know! Are we on hidden camera?

    I like how we’re supposed to be washing this and that with alcohol
    wearing masks, evening gloves, and soon to be goggles, but nobody’s providing the proper equipment. Or is it okay if we pick up some goggles from the dollar store and sparkle them up like Elton John’s?

    Hey, Fauci. A ticket is waiting for you on the bank of the Styx.
    Don’t worry about the 3 headed dog. He’s from Wuhan.


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