Child welfare officials take a hard look at Weiner – IOTW Report

Child welfare officials take a hard look at Weiner

 Breitbart-  Child Welfare Officials Investigating Anthony Weiner

The New York Post reports that Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s estranged husband has been visited by New York City’s children welfare office after the latest scandal surrounding the disgraced former Congressman broke:

Child-welfare officials are investigating Anthony Weiner in the wake of The Post’s exclusive report that he sent a lewd selfie that showed his young son lying in bed next to him, sources said Wednesday.

The probe of Weiner was launched by the Administration for Children’s Services over his handling of 4-year-old son Jordan, a city government source told The Post.

Agency protocol requires a home visit within 48 hours, and ACS showed up at Weiner and estranged wife Huma Abedin’s Union Square apartment building on Tuesday, a worker there confirmed.  MORE

21 Comments on Child welfare officials take a hard look at Weiner

  1. You mean: the officials will take a SCHLONG, hard look at Weiner, take PRICKcise DICKtation for Inspector JOHNSON WANG, to determine whether or not he deserves time in the PENILEtentiary.

  2. Who has custody of he kid now? We know Tony is packing his shit and Huma needs to be at Hellery’s side 24/7 in case she shits herself. Where’s the poor kid in all of this?

  3. Good! Now he gets to feel the brunt of government intruding into your personal life, asking you personal questions, and the possibility of your kid being taken away from you because the government finds you unfit. The very government you endorse and was part of Mr. Weiner. Stick a fork in you, you’re done! How delicious to see a liberal Democrat take it in the shorts. 🙂 Huma is next.

  4. Poor kid, he’ll be the victim of his parents’ idiocies.


    What the hell is going on? Why, all the sudden, is the tidal wave of leftism, in all its glory, crumbling, crashing and burning? From leftard celebs to High Queen HilLIARy herself, it seems trouble befalls all things progressive and leftist.

    I hope it continues, but I’ll pass on the popcorn, though, had enough.

  5. YOU KNOW the electric probe used to kickstart the investigation of prickface Anthony was wielded by Cankles herself, don’t you? Her way of showing everyone she has friends in high places, bought and paid for. Next thing, he will soon appear on a bench in Central Park with a used 9 mm semi in his hand and 5 9mm holes in the back of his head, darnedest case of suicide in recent years!

  6. It’s all theater people !

    ANYTHING to distract from Hillary filling those Depends.

    Have Trey Gowdy and Darrell Issa t takenhe summer off ?

  7. Little Anthony Penis Jr. will surely grow to become equally hated and evil as Dicknose Sr., InHumanity, Hitlery, Billy, and ugly yellow teeth sandpaper skin Chelsea. So honestly, even though he is a “baby” demon , he is still a spawn of evil and a future demon. Hopefully he is returned to the Hollywood prop room on the backlot he came from and not seen again.

  8. Not the right time to ask Huma Abedin about any e-mail bullshit cuz she’s soooooooo upset about the Weiner sexting bullshit …

    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiightttttt … got it … co-incidence … got it … right …

    izlamo delenda est …

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