China bans list of Islamic names in Xinjiang region – IOTW Report

China bans list of Islamic names in Xinjiang region


Authorities in China’s Xinjiang region are prohibiting parents from giving children some Islamic names in the latest effort to dilute the influence of religion on life in the ethnic Uighur minority heartland.

“Muhammad,” ”Jihad” and “Islam” are among at least 29 names now banned in the heavily Muslim region, according to a list distributed by overseas Uighur activists.  more

7 Comments on China bans list of Islamic names in Xinjiang region

  1. The Chicoms are increasingly cracking down on their Muslim population. If they become sufficiently troublesome, there will be another “reduction of surplus population” in the area.

  2. Why DO so many people convert to Islam? What’s the draw? [for the woman I mean, and for men who aren’t egotistical psychopathic abusers.]

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