Chinese Defense Minister: Tiananmen Square Massacre Was ‘Correct Policy’ – IOTW Report

Chinese Defense Minister: Tiananmen Square Massacre Was ‘Correct Policy’


China’s defense minister, General Wei Fenghe, told an audience in Singapore Sunday that the Tiananmen Square massacre – the brutal crackdown of anti-communist protests in Beijing in 1989 – was a “correct policy” and credited the mass murder with bringing “stability and development” to the country.

China has spent decades attempting to fully censor the incident and has never allowed estimates on the number killed or imprisoned. Experts believe Chinese Communist Party police and soldiers killed hundreds, if not thousands, of protesters demanding liberal democracy, inspired by the impending fall of the Soviet Union and similar protests nationwide. Until this year, China had largely ignored the anniversary of the protests, censoring all mention of it on the Chinese internet.

In a sign of potentially admitting defeat – or being comfortable enough with its repression to not fear inspiring outrage – Wei answered a question about Tiananmen, defending the incident, and China’s state-run newspaper Global Times published an article celebrating the “incident.”

Wei spoke at the Shangri-La Dialogue, a global defense forum.

“That incident was a political turbulence and the central government took measures to stop the turbulence which is a correct policy,” he said in response to a question about the anniversary of the massacre. “The 30 years have proven that China has undergone major changes China has enjoyed stability and development.”

Wei reportedly questioned why the world frowned upon China killing hundreds of its citizens, according to Agence France-Presse, and recommended that critics “visit China” to “better understand” why the Communist Party chose the mode of action it did.

China has invested years of time and energy into erasing the Tiananmen Square massacre. Extensive censorship online redirects or blocks searches for the event, schools do not teach it, and commemorating those killed in public could lead to severe police retribution. Chinese officials closely monitor social media to preemptively block any content educating readers about the killings. As of 2015, only 15 of 100 students surveyed could identify the photo known as “tank man” – the iconic image of a Chinese protester standing in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square. China has never allowed the public to identify the man or revealed his fate.

This year, however, the Chinese Communist Party is going on the offensive, claiming the crackdown was necessary to preserve communism and only enemies of the Chinese state support such popular uprisings. In addition to Wei’s comments, the Global Timespublished an editorial Sunday defending the killings and their subsequent censorship.  more here

10 Comments on Chinese Defense Minister: Tiananmen Square Massacre Was ‘Correct Policy’

  1. General Wei is correct, as anybody with four gray cells hooked up in parallel would instantly tell you. To maintain and preserve a communist regime, that regime has to use lethal force against its subjects. Using force is utterly essential (in both main senses of that word) even in normal times, and of course any smidgen of opposition has to be met with especially brutal methods. Methods such as running over hundreds or more people with tanks and keep on running over them and over them until they are nothing more than a thin red smeared paste on the pavement, and then rinsing the paste into the sewer.

  2. What happened at Tienanmen Square thirty years ago is just a blip in the chart of communist atrocities over the years.
    Hell, Mao had every Chinese citizen who wore glasses either sent to reeducation camps or murdered by his “Red Guard” because having glasses meant they could read and therefore must be smart enough to doubt him.

  3. Pol Pot in Cambodia did the same. I’d have been dead a long time ago since I’ve worn glasses since I was 8 or so and lived under a commie dictatorship. So I guess they just don’t like Poindexters or anyone who thinks for themselves.

  4. The worst regime on earth. This is our enemy, a perfect fascist state and the biggest threat to freedom, bankrolled by globalists and capitalists. Big trouble in the future.

    No, they are not just like us. Their rulers have no conception of freedom.

  5. I’ll be reviled for “saying” this, but the Chinese are incredibly industrious. We Americans, of the last few generations, have become incredibly lazy, both in thought and brawn. A 13 year old Chinaman can weld a… thing… with 7 car batteries and a pair of wayfarers. And do a good job. A 13 year old American millennial can’t even tie his shoes.

    I’ve had “conversations” with my nieces and nephews… uhh… in my day we would have called them retards. Not nasty like, but, “Your son is woefully fucked up. He plays with legos and he’s 17. He’s a queer, too. That isn’t going to help. He’s never cut grass? Never replaced brakes on a car?”

    “Let him be a kid!”

    “It’s far past time for him to be a kid. You people fucked up your children.”

    I’m not saying we need to be Chinese. But we should be more Chinese, and they more American.

  6. @Tim Buktu:

    “No, they are not just like us. Their rulers have no conception of freedom.”

    And ours have only a fading, modicum conception of it.

    “Big trouble in the future.”

    If we knew how big, we’d probably shit a brick.

  7. @Anon

    That is a good point. I’ve spent the last 3 years doing a lot of research of peer-reviewed technical journals. Very few are written by westerners. Most are written by Chinese researchers, and a lot of the rest is done by middle eastern or Indian scientists.

    I did not do a statistical analysis, but my hypothesis is that most tech research is being done by the Chinese. Some testing would prove or disprove the hypothesis.

    Our students are more interested in making sure conservative voices are not heard on campuses.

  8. Communist China policy has been to kill dissidents? That was FDR’s Communist friend Stalin’s policy, too.
    Remember it is Communists that are in the process of seizing control of the US government, right now.
    And they are Democrats and Republicans. That is why Trey Gowdy did NOTHING, and that is why no prosecution of these Communist coup criminals will ever be done. How many American dissidents will they kill when they have complete control of the country?
    So the US government wants war with China, so hate propaganda floods the media. Justified hate?
    If so, why is there no justified hate towards Israel for its massacres? Is civilian slaughter acceptable only by an alleged ally?

    JENIN Massacre of civilians in a refugee camp.
    Reporter Phil Reeves wrote for London’s The Independent 16 April 2002:

    “A monstrous war crime that Israel has tried to cover up for a fortnight has finally been exposed. Its troops have caused devastation in the centre of the Jenin refugee camp, reached yesterday by The Independent, where thousands of people are still living amid the ruins. . . . The sweet and ghastly smell of rotting human corpses is everywhere, evidence that it is a human tomb. The people who spent days hiding in basements crowded into single rooms as the rockets pounded in say there are hundreds of corpses entombed beneath the dust, under a field of debris, criss-crossed with tank and bulldozer treadmarks. . . .

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