Chinese Diplomat Declares Former Soviet Republics Not Real Nations – IOTW Report

Chinese Diplomat Declares Former Soviet Republics Not Real Nations

Washington Examiner

Beijing is in damage control with European leaders following a diplomat’s decision to question the sovereignty of former Soviet republics, including Ukraine.

A spokeswoman for China’s Foreign Ministry, Mao Ning, said China “respects the sovereign status of former Soviet republics after the Soviet Union’s dissolution” on Monday.

Days before Mao’s remarks, Lu Shaye, the Chinese ambassador to Paris, was asked late last week about whether Crimea was a part of Ukraine under international law and said, “Even these countries of the former Soviet Union do not have an effective status in international law, since there is no international agreement that would specify their status as sovereign countries.” More

5 Comments on Chinese Diplomat Declares Former Soviet Republics Not Real Nations

  1. I motion to create the term “VODKA REPUBLIC” for the East European Shit-Hole-Istans.

    (Not all but many)
    I have great respect for Poland, Serbia, Hungary & the like)

  2. European diplos sound kind of butt-hurt. Maybe they should sanction China to reduce the swelling. Or maybe don’t ask stupid “gotcha” questions in the first place.

  3. My wife’s home country of Kazakhstan borders China. Kazakhstan is rich in oil, gas and mineral wealth. Kazakhstan was part of the Soviet Union before it collapsed. Putin is about to be screwed by China the way Hitler was screwed by the USSR. Looks like many of the young men of Russia who fled to Kazakhstan to avoid getting drafted by Putin to fight in Ukraine will be right in the middle of the Chinese invasion of Kazakhstan.


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