Chinese Dissident Artist Vows To Restore “CCP Virus” Sculpture – IOTW Report

Chinese Dissident Artist Vows To Restore “CCP Virus” Sculpture

There’s a place out side of Yermo, CA set aside for the Chinese democratic movement to memorialize the victims of the CCP and for artist to express their opposition to the repressive regime. It’s called Liberty Sculpture Park Here

In June, artist Weiming Chen installed his latest work, “CCP Virus,” at the remote park. Here

Last month, the work was destroyed.

In a statement provided by the spokesperson, Chen characterized the destruction of his art as an attack, alleging that the Chinese Communist Party “wants to shut down our free speech.”

“I think this (arson) must come from a Chinese Communist Party Officer in Los Angeles. Something like this is not a personal action but a Chinese Government action against us and the American system of free speech,” Chen said in the statement. “They want the truth about the origins of the COVID-19 virus to be hidden from the world. I will make a face, reproduce the sculpture and make new again.”

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