Chinese tourist collects thermal water in Yellowstone, fined $1,000 – IOTW Report

Chinese tourist collects thermal water in Yellowstone, fined $1,000

FOX: A tourist from China was fined $1,000 for walking off a boardwalk at Yellowstone National Park and collecting thermal water, apparently for medicinal purposes, park officials said Wednesday.

A witness reported seeing the man break through the fragile, rock crust surrounding the Mammoth Hot Springs area. The witness took photos of the man that were turned over to park rangers, officials said.

The incident came only a week after an Oregon man died after falling into one of Yellowstone’s hot springs.  READ MORE

15 Comments on Chinese tourist collects thermal water in Yellowstone, fined $1,000

  1. While we were visiting Yellowstone years ago, I picked up a book there, “Life & Death In Yellowstone.” I’m glad I didn’t read it until we got home. The accounts of people dying by falling/jumping into the many hot springs is horrifying. Even going into the boiling water up to your waist is fatal. The Chinese guy was lucky because the surrounding surfaces are fragile like thin ice in many places.

  2. BB — I didn’t know that. A nuclear device in Yellowstone? When you know the system of geothermal features across such a vast area it’s not hard to believe the super volcano theory. Sort of like the 1000′ ice dam at lake Missoula that built up and blew out repeatedly over a short geologic time, scouring out the Badlands and causing water to fill the Columbia gorge, moving at 45 miles/hour.

    I think it would take more than even a large nuclear device to set off super volcano. It sounds like they’ve been watching too much sci-fi on Hulu over there.

  3. They don’t even try to fish the bones out when some idiot breaks through the crust and gets boiled alive.
    Cheap funeral, if you can stand the heat.

  4. He could be “Tourist of the month”. Put his photo up on a wall in the visitor’s center with the caption, “THIS ASSHOLE…”. lol.
    Do pretty colors make people think something is less dangerous?

  5. Damn, those boiling hot springs look good. If I’m ever fixing to stop back by to Yellowstone, I reckon I’ll bring along a sack or two of crawfish for a boil.

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