Chlorine Tanks Explode Killing 13 – IOTW Report

Chlorine Tanks Explode Killing 13

I used to work with chlorine tanks and I hated it.

I always pictured them exploding — like this—>

(NEWSER) – A crane loading chlorine tanks onto a ship in Jordan’s port of Aqaba on Monday dropped one of them, causing an explosion of toxic yellow smoke that killed at least 13 people and sickened some 250, authorities said. Video carried on state TV showed the moment the tank exploded, sending dockworkers scrambling to escape the toxic cloud. Some 200 people were hospitalized. The Public Security Directorate, which initially described it as a gas leak, said authorities sealed off the area after evacuating the injured and sent specialists in to address the situation, the AP reports.

State-run Jordan TV said 13 people were killed. Al-Mamlaka TV, another official outlet, said 199 were still being treated in hospitals. The Public Security Directorate said a total of 251 people were injured. Dr. Jamal Obeidat, a local health official, urged people to stay inside and close windows and doors. The nearest residential area is 15 miles away. Aqaba is on the northern tip of the Red Sea, next to the Israeli city of Eilat, which is just across the border. Both are popular beach and diving destinations. Eilat’s emergency services officials said in a statement that there was no impact on the city but that they were following the situation closely.

10 Comments on Chlorine Tanks Explode Killing 13

  1. we used a lot of Cl in water & wastewater treatment … buildings full of 10 ton
    cylinders. just a whiff of the stuff will take all the oxygen out of your lungs in an instant … had it happen to me … realized what was happening & got to a clear area immediately … lucky
    (bad feeling when you breathe in & your lungs get the feeling of sucking in absolutely nothing … instantaneous panic)

    pulled 2 electrical mechanics out of the Chlorine Building after they succumbed to the effects of Cl & passed out while working on a Cl analyzer
    … next day, driving a company vehicle to another location, my vision closed up, completely black. luckily (again), I had enough situational awareness to pull over on the shoulder.
    checked myself in to the company healthcare facility & they said it was a residual effect of the Cl exposure … freaky

    chlorine is some bad stuff, that kills everything! but, used properly, is a wonderful benefit to the existence of the human race


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