Christian Charity Hijacked By Hamas – IOTW Report

Christian Charity Hijacked By Hamas

Israel arrested Mohammad El Halabi, the manager of operations in Gaza for the Christian charity World Vision, on June 15 attempting to cross into the territory. Halabi has since confessed to siphoning off $7.2 million a year from the charity for Hamas.

World Vision, which operates in more than 90 countries with money flows estimated at $2.79 billion annually, has stated that it is “shocked” and has “no reason to believe that the allegations are true.”  More

More on how Hamas was using World Vision Here

11 Comments on Christian Charity Hijacked By Hamas

  1. siphoning off $7.2 million a year ????

    What a piker, Hillary could give this guy lessons ……he could be making $BILLIONS …… if he would only fork over a few $million to the clinton foundation.

  2. World Vision is part of the so-called Christian Left– Social Gospellers. According to Charity Navigator, as of 9/2014 World Vision received 18.1% in Government Grants. That raises all kinds of flags right there.

  3. muddjuice, there are plenty of legit Christian organizations. Like Voice of the Martyrs, who help percictuted Christians in countries that nobody else gives a shiite about. They would fold without the donations. And many Christians would die if that happened, along with the church in those countries.

    I used to give locally, but when I saw money wasted on banquets where everybody stuffs their face, junk food, ugly decorations, and other such crap, I quit giving to those churches.
    No offense. Let your heart be your guide.

  4. Unruly. No offense taken.

    I give to my church….my church does support organizations like the one you mentioned.

    I meant individually. Sort of like just forking money over to the homeless guy on the corner with the sign. You feel better about yourself, he goes and gets his fix of booze, crack, heroin….whatever.

    I’ve given to organizations in the past, naively, and found out later about the corruption. I never will again.

  5. muddjuice, yes, I agree. Give the money to the people who need it. Or like the Bible says, widows and orphans.

    I have a brother who told me one day that he had given money (he was bragging about it) to “Christian Children’s Fund”. And I immediately told him (I was getting back at him for some past slight) that Christian Children’s Fund didn’t have anything to do with “Christians.” I had already done the research and never gave them a dime.
    Later, Christian Children’s Fund changed their name to “Child Fund” or Child Fund International, I forget. Enough people had complained about them using “Christian” in the name of their organization when they were not actually a Christian organization.
    Kind of like some goat-rapist named Mohammad going to work for a Christian organization when his base religion prohibits such things. 😉

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