Chuck Todd has a question – IOTW Report

Chuck Todd has a question

NBC’s Chuck Todd asks:

Let me ask you this: give me the slate of laws that if you could wave your wand and have enacted that could have prevented Vegas?”

Get the answer


17 Comments on Chuck Todd has a question

  1. Well Chrissy Wallace is convinced guns and high capacity mags are the culprit. The NRA rep he was interviewing wasn’t smart enough to point out that the shooters car was full of explosives.

  2. I want to counter F.U. Chuck Todd; Hey Chuck, you are a total asshole, num-nutted, no count Asswipe….by what authority are we suppose to accept your liberal-minded, American hating, dumb fuck opinion??
    Common sense is way beyond your reach, fair-minded deliberation is without consideration and freedom, liberty and justice has never entered your vocabulary.
    You have no reasonable defense short of deceit, lies and pure bullshit.

  3. I love “wave the wand” scenarios.

    Anything is possible and reality doesn’t get in the way.

    I wave my wand and all lefties, Communists and other non-conservatives can’t vote, buy guns, speak or procreate and must move out of the country or off themselves! Outlawed!

    America is instantly the best and safest it’s ever been.

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