Cindy Hyde-Smith(R) wins Senate runoff in Mississippi – IOTW Report

Cindy Hyde-Smith(R) wins Senate runoff in Mississippi

The final party breakdown of the United States Senate in the 116th session of Congress that will convene in Washington in January is 53 Republicans and 47 Democrats or Independents who caucus with Democrats.


Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) defeated former Clinton administration Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy on Tuesday in the Mississippi Senate runoff election.

Politico called the race for Hyde-Smith at 10:22 p.m. eastern time.

With 75 percent of precincts reporting, Hyde-Smith leads Espy by 11 points, 55.9 percent to 44.1 percent, according to election results reported at Politico as of 10:22 p.m. eastern time.

In the earlier election, Hyde-Smith won 41 percent of the vote, Espy won 40 percent, and conservative Republican State Sen. Chris McDaniel won 16 percent.Hyde-Smith and Espy qualified for the runoff election as the top two finishers in the November 6 election, in which neither candidate received 50 percent of the vote.

Hyde-Smith was appointed to the Senate seat in April by Gov. Phil Bryant when Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) resigned for health reasons.

On Tuesday, almost all of McDaniel’s supporters cast their ballots for Hyde-Smith, and the increased Democrat turnout was not enough to put Espy over the top. read more

15 Comments on Cindy Hyde-Smith(R) wins Senate runoff in Mississippi

  1. The dems just couldn’t pull enough fake ballots out of the trunks of cars to get back all the Senate seats they actually lost… this time.

    Next time they will take NO chances. The only way an R will be able to win is to cheat at least as much as the D’s.

  2. That’s the same shit we heard about 22 Republican candidates on election eve in California. The last one just lost today as they count the pact Libtard ballot box. What does it take to get the Feds involved in the California “Let’s just appoint another Libtard”, election routine? We know what they are doing. It’s not even a well kept secret. Disenfranchising our vote to appoint socialist is now OK?

  3. If voter fraud is not taken care of by 2020 you can kiss this representative republic goodbye. Is 250 years our lifecycle? Not in my mind, but if illegal voting is not stopped the shit will hit the fan.

  4. Brad: The Republican Party is in on it. They have gone along with the charade for decades. Remember B-1 Bob Dornan? Got cheated out of his seat 20+ years ago and the party did nothing. And nothing has changed since.


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