Citizen Test – IOTW Report

Citizen Test

Billo has a citizen test on his site. 25 questions and you only need to answer 15 correctly to pass. The questions are ridiculously easy- See HERE. (Mark L. sent it in.)

I’ve been thinking. There should be different kinds of questions on the test before people are considered for entrance.

How about –

You need to urinate. Do you –

  1. Hold it in until you get home.
  2. Ask someone if they know of a restroom in the area.
  3. Pee on BigFurHat’s driveway.

You see an attractive women in the street. Do you –

  1. Say, “Good day, miss”, and politely smile.
  2. Make a mental note in your head of her attractiveness and move on.
  3. Grab your puny South American junk through your giant dungarees, shake it and whistle.

You just finished your soda. Do you –

  1. Keep it on your person until you get home.
  2. Find a refuse receptacle.
  3. Toss it on the ground because you have all the sensibilities of an ape.

You’re running out of money at the end of the month. Do you –

  1. Cut back on non-essentials until you catch up with the payments.
  2. Make some calls and try to work out a payment plan with your creditors.
  3. Call the government and complain.

You don’t have a job. Do you-

  1. Look for one.
  2. Take some vocational training.
  3. Drink and play loud music all night because you have no reason to get up in the morning.

Your car just died for good. Do you –

  1. Call a tow truck company and have it hauled to the junk yard.
  2. Call a charity and see if they could use it.
  3. Keep it on the lawn because you can use it like a shed.

You see a goat on the side of the road…






18 Comments on Citizen Test

  1. Really, what is it with Mexicans and parking their cars on the front lawn? To save the 5 steps you’d have to take if you parked on the street? So you can see it from your couch in the living room?

    I swear I saw this once,
    You’ve just removed a full diaper from your baby, so you…
    1) walk to the trash can and drop it in
    2) there’s no trash can so you wrap it up and take it with you
    3) drop the loaded diaper under the bench and walk away

    Take a guess which choice the Mexican couple made

  2. You need to urinate. Do you –

    Pee on BigFurHat’s driveway. (obviously)

    You see an attractive women in the street. Do you –

    Say, “Good day, miss”, and politely smile.(It helps to get a better look)
    Make a mental note in your head of her attractiveness and move on.(Spank bank, duh)

  3. You need to urinate. Do you –
    A) Grab yer puny South American junk and pee on yer balls!

    You just finished your soda. Do you –
    A) Grab yer puny South American junk and pee on yer balls!

    You’re running out of money at the end of the month. Do you –
    A) Call the government and complain about yer puny South American junk!

    You don’t have a job. Do you –
    A) Drink and play loud music all night while grabbing yer puny South American junk!

    Your car just died for good. Do you –
    A) Grab yer puny South American junk at the sight of the goat on the side of the road!

    Now THAT’S whutcha call limited skills!!

  4. The gutter on my house came off during a storm we had a man to come out to fix it his crew was Mexican during to course of the day my daughter looked out the window a d the Mexican guy was peeing on our house why don’t know we live in the woods and he could have easily stepped behind a tree.

  5. You have to urinate. Do you –
    4. Pee into the empty soda can that your compadre Julio just dropped on the street and leave it in the bed of Bad Brad’s pickup truck that you stood behind while peeing.

  6. Broken-down cars on the street tend to get ticketed. Not so much in a yard, unless the City notices grass growing up around them, rats living in them, etc. Even then they usually give you a warning and allow you some time to clean up the problem before fining you.

  7. You’re in church on Sunday morning – do you –

    1 – Open a hymnal and join the congregation in song.

    2 – Nod in agreement with the social justice sermon.

    3 – Bury your face in the carpet with your stinky butt pointed toward mecca, worshipping the devil and plotting death and mayhem towards humanity.

  8. If I was in a church preaching a social justice sermon, first off I’d be in the wrong church and secondly if it was my church I’d leave that church immediately and never go back again. God is not a social justice warrior! Justice for all yes, but not social justice as the left would have because that’s only so called justice for their precious protected classes of victims.

  9. Your in a fast food restaurant bathroom. You use toilet paper:
    Do you flush in down the toilet, wash your hands and exit?
    Do you drop it on the floor, not wash your hands and exit?

  10. So Bill thinks if they can pass his history test they are ok to become citizens?
    The idea of having a test is good, but Bill-O’s test is lame.

    Here’s one I saw the other day on Bait Car:

    You shit your pants. Do you:

    A) – go home, take a shower, wash your clothes.

    B) – go to a gas station, wash your underwear in the sink, stuff your wet stinking underwear in the sleeve of the bulky winter jacket you are wearing, and then go out and steal a car..

  11. You just entered your first American restroom. You need to crap but there is no hole in the floor to crap in.

    So you:

    A) put your filthy feet on the toilet seat and defecate and urinate all over the toilet seat and just a little bit inside the toilet bowl.

    B) go back to Mexico or Guatemala and learn how to properly use a toilet before you illegally cross the border again so you won’t wear out your welcome here.

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