Climate Change Credited with Return of Once Extinct Whale Species to the Atlantic – IOTW Report

Climate Change Credited with Return of Once Extinct Whale Species to the Atlantic

cbs news

New England Aquarium scientists believe climate change is responsible for the Atlantic and Mediterranean sightings [of grey whales]. They say the Northwest Passage connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans above Canada has been ice-free in recent summers, allowing the whales to pass through.

“This sighting highlights how important each survey is. While we expect to see humpback, right, and fin whales, the ocean is a dynamic ecosystem, and you never know what you’ll find,” O’Brien said. “These sightings of gray whales in the Atlantic serve as a reminder of how quickly marine species respond to climate change, given the chance.” More

9 Comments on Climate Change Credited with Return of Once Extinct Whale Species to the Atlantic

  1. So if the whales are dying, it’s caused by climate change. And if the whales are thriving, it’s caused by climate change… These communist scammers should be hanged, starting with Gigolo John Kerry.

  2. Another report I read yesterday stated the gray whales have returned to the Atlantic after having gone extinct there.

    So they were once thriving in the Atlantic. To me, that suggests that the Atlantic was warmer in times past. If the Atlantic Ocean was warmer in past times, say prior to 1000 ad, I’d say the earth itself was warmer in past times. This is backed up by evidence that the earth has been much warmer in the past. If earth was warmer in the past, prior to the Industrial Revolution, then the IR probably is not the cause of so-called current GW.

    The globull warming freaks employ an unknown kind of reasoning.

  3. ^^^^^

    Yes, the article I read included the word “extinct”, an incorrect use of the word.

    Wikipedia: A species is extinct when the last existing member dies. Extinction therefore becomes a certainty when there are no surviving individuals.

    The Gray Whales never went extinct.


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