Climate protesters accused of ‘blood on their hands’ after 2 die in crash amid traffic from bridge protest – IOTW Report

Climate protesters accused of ‘blood on their hands’ after 2 die in crash amid traffic from bridge protest

FOX: Climate protesters in England are being accused of having “blood on their hands” after their protest scaling a bridge caused a traffic jam that reportedly kept first responders from quickly tending to two crash victims who died. 

“The eco-warriors may have thought it was an innocent protest, but they’ve got blood on their hands,” Mark Heap, 55, told the Daily Mail after suffering a broken back and a broken leg on Monday when he stopped to help a stranded motorist and was struck by a speeding car that was attempting to avoid a traffic jam caused by climate protesters who had scaled England’s Queen Elizabeth II bridge.

Lisa Webber, a mother of four in her 50s, was also struck by the BMW while attempting to help the stranded motorist on London’s busy M20 highway and was thrown into oncoming traffic and later died. more here

11 Comments on Climate protesters accused of ‘blood on their hands’ after 2 die in crash amid traffic from bridge protest

  1. I’m to the point that I don’t give a crap about these ecoassholes.
    Run them over, push them off the bridges…
    They don’t give a f*ck about anyone else’s life, why should I give a damn about theirs?
    Apparently, I would only be saving them from supposed “climate change”. Which, according to them is a fate worse than death.
    Wouldn’t I essentially be doing them a favor?

  2. …back when the world still had a modicum of sanity, there was a DUI stop that turned into a foot pursuit across a bridge in Covington, KY. One of the officers fell to his death through a gap in the bridge. The man that was being pursued was caught, and was later charged with manslaughter even though he was not near the officer when he fell into the water, because he had by his actions created the CONDITIONS under which the officer was pursing him and so the Court found that anything that arose from that pursuit was the fault of the man being pursued as well.

    As it should be.

    …he only ended up doing 4 of 6 years, but at least it was SOMETHING.

    This should be the standard applied to ALL such lawlessness.

    These deaths should be charged to the people who CAUSED it.

    Which are the Communist who were illegally on the bridge in the FIRST place.

  3. The relatives of the deceased should make sure these fuckers live out the movie Munich in their minds 24/365 as they deliberately and systematically hunt down and kill every fucking one of them.

  4. They honestly THEY don’t care if Humans suffer.

    Now club one tiny little harp seal to death to feed the Inuit in the North, as they have done for a thousand years, and they get all Paul McCartney on Your ass with the wooden leg ex-wife.

    (look it up, its funny as shit)

  5. A lot more could have bloody hands.
    Rip their super glued palms from the floors or walls, leaving their entire skin from their palms.
    Scrape wha is left stuck to the surfaces.
    Charge them for repainting/refinishing the surfaces.
    I guarantee the will literally have blood on their hands … their own blood.


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