Climate Summits Are Simply Parties With Huge Carbon Footprints and the Power Elites Will Not Give Them Up – IOTW Report

Climate Summits Are Simply Parties With Huge Carbon Footprints and the Power Elites Will Not Give Them Up

And underage girls and boys, and picking up cash from bag men, and selling out your country….

8 Comments on Climate Summits Are Simply Parties With Huge Carbon Footprints and the Power Elites Will Not Give Them Up

  1. Zoom calls get leaked, yet still no one does anything about it.
    The election fraud of 20 and ‘how to mess with Trump’ were discussed on zoom. Lots of dept of this and that workers, some low-level, were seen plotting. But no republicans did anything about it when it was shown to them.

    I have to ask. Why are all these republican and conservative radio and TV show hosts so happy to have Kevin McCarthy on their shows to pimp his new book? AND is Trump inviting him to places with him, or is the motherfucker just showing up on his own? For those same hosts who keep asking, “Why did Trump pick certain terrible people to work for him or didn’t fire others quick enough” – Ask the asshole McCarthy you invited on your show! You don’t think he had anything to do with that? Lift your head up from between his legs and ask him! That goes for Jesse Kelly, Steve Bannon and a few others, too.
    So gross.

  2. “Climate Summits Are Simply Parties With Huge Carbon Footprints and the Power Elites Will Not Give Them Up”

    Of all people, these guys KNOW that the Globaloney Warming Bullshit is a Hoax!
    So, why “give up” something that isn’t going to make a dime’s worth of difference, anyway?

    The purpose of the Hoax is the Steal – not “fixing” what cannot be fixed.

    izlamo delenda est …

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