Clinton Calls for Criminal Justice Overhaul and Gun Control After Dallas Shooting – IOTW Report

Clinton Calls for Criminal Justice Overhaul and Gun Control After Dallas Shooting

RollCall: PHILADELPHIA — Hillary Clinton called for a criminal justice overhaul and additional gun control measures Friday in the wake of a tragic shooting in Dallas that targeted police officers.

Five officers who were among their colleagues keeping the peace at a Black Lives Matter protest were killed. The Dallas protest was one of many across the nation, including one in Philadelphia, after two black men recently were killed by police in Louisiana and Minnesota.

Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, said she would likely face criticism for discussing the need for criminal justice reform after police officers were killed — and for supporting the police after black men were killed by officers. –  See more

22 Comments on Clinton Calls for Criminal Justice Overhaul and Gun Control After Dallas Shooting

  1. we do need to reduce gun black violence

    Fixed it for ya, bitch. The blacks need to be overhauled and reformed. Ohh, but she’ll have mainstream thuggery barking up a tree at the police and inanimate pieces of steel. What a crock of shit.

  2. Fighting racism is nobel, except it’s primarily the Democrats who promote it. To the Democrats, blacks are nothing more than a loyal voting block, and blacks must be kept together and loyal to the party. Democrats love “victim” groups – if people can be convinced they blong to a victim group, it’s easier to target them and buy their votes with empty promises and taxpayer money.

    Look what happened when the Democrat nominees were asked if black lives matter, and one of them tried to say all lives matter. All lives necessarily includes black lives, but the BLM crowd went ballistic. To a Democrat, this is the desired outcome.

  3. old_oakes, The didndu nuffins claim since they are a tiny minority they should make up the tiny minority of crime. Affirmative action is around so there are just as many blacks and other minorities employed, but when it comes to crime they claim it’s nothing more than racist if their numbers make up more than their population percentage.

  4. I will go out of my mind if I have to listen to this bitch for the next 4 years. Obama/Jarrett have got me pretty fucking close to the rubber room, if she is elected, just lock me up and throw away the key.

  5. Facts don’t matter when they’re pushing an agenda.
    The other thing is that we know this administration is enabling BLM and chaos in general.
    Has it occurred to anyone that they will also use BLM to create more violent crises, chaos and mayhem to further their gun control push?

  6. “Has it occurred to anyone that they will also use BLM to create more violent crises, chaos and mayhem to further their gun control push?”

    Yup, means the bastards really gotta go. No choice now.

    And remember that nobody from the right side of the aisle (or not enuf anybodies which is the same thing) stood up to block any of these moves. Seems they have an agreement.

  7. Has she blamed white people yet? Because I’m sure that is coming, too: When in doubt, she blames the victim.

    This was her modus operandi in dealing with Bill’s many rape victims, and I’m sure she will try it here.

    I really lack the vocabulary to adequately describe what a worthless pile of conniving, sleezy, opportunistic, worthless, treasonous, filth Hilary Clinton is.

  8. ^^ I’ll settle for an overhaul of the Justice System that produces justice for that corrupt hag.
    Indictment, perp walk, fair trial, (appeal, appeal, appeal etc…)
    Followed by a humane execution, and a low profile interment in some obscure graveyard. (Not in a National Cemetery- those are for heroes.)
    All on national television.
    Done right, this would so thoroughly discredit her that not even Sharton, Pelosi or Jackson would speak at the services. (Still might not deter Maxine or D. Waterman-Schlitz…)

    Make America great again!

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