Clinton Foundation Is The ‘Largest Unprosecuted Charity Fraud Ever’ – IOTW Report

Clinton Foundation Is The ‘Largest Unprosecuted Charity Fraud Ever’

Ortel warns donors they, too, have a legal duty to ensure they are not supporting a rogue charity — as penalties can be stiff for giving to a fraudulent entity.

DC: Wall Street investment analyst Charles Ortel called the Clinton Foundation “the largest unprosecuted charity fraud ever attempted” before all the newly-exposed emails from campaign chairman John Podesta’s account were released from WikiLeaks.

The leaks have fortified his findings. The Wall Street investment analyst, who retired at 46 and prides himself on researching complex problems like General Electric and the credit crisis, has been fly-specking the Clinton Foundation since the spring of 2015.

Ortel explains why he believes the Clinton Foundation is a “crooked charity cooking the books” with over $2 billion dollars in revenue, in this exclusive video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Clintons, according to Ortel, have figured out how to turn their public service into a business. This charity is “a perfect gathering place and a front” to act as if you are helping others, when in fact they bring powerful people together, concocting deals and making people rich, including the Clintons, Ortel says.  MORE

16 Comments on Clinton Foundation Is The ‘Largest Unprosecuted Charity Fraud Ever’

  1. Not according to Hilliarty. I recall her claiming that more than 90% of the funds raised go to worthy causes. If she becomes President, that figure will grow to 137% in the first year of her administration. Of course, the costs of salaries, travel expenses and other expenditures will be through the roof by then as well.

  2. I hope Trump and the IRS revoke their 501c 3 status. Per US Tax Codes: To be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, an organization must be organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3), and none of its earnings may inure to any private shareholder or individual. In addition, it may not be an action organization, i.e., it may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates. Revoke and then have contributors repay taxes due.

  3. Then send Billy Jeff and Hillary to prison for life plus 1000 yrs, in Rikers Island: Queens, New York. This is one of the most problematic, DEADLY federal prisons we have available. NO country club setting for these two treasonous murders and tax evaders.

  4. Stephen Molyneux has had him as a solo guest a couple times and the number of laws that they have fucking totally ignored is staggering. He estimates that they have misguided trillions of dollars.

    Bet your ass that Obama is watching this very carefully as his own “foundation” is just in the birthing stage with only a paltry $5 million funded so far-he’s said he wants to have a $800!! million corpus. Soros 2.0

  5. sig94 Boy if you think there were pissed off FBI agents before, this should send them over the edge. If Hillary skates through all this shit and ends up in the White House there’s going to be a revolution.
    And we still have more Wiki leaks dumps coming up.

  6. I am trying to find something hopeful in this Comey announcement. I believe enough doubt had been cast on his character that most people will see this is another manipulation by Lynch/Obama, and Comey is too afraid or too corrupted to stand up any further. I don’t truly believe someone not in gramma’s pockets will say “ooo good now i’m voting for her.” The stench of her corruption has been awash for Americans to smell and see, and those who care will read and see. This is a payoff to keep her silent on Obama. The FBI agents have to find a path around these brick walls thrown up by a corrupted DOJ and White Hut. The Final Jury will be the American Voters. KEEP PRESSING ON TO VICTORY.

  7. Southwesterner, I don’t see how this helps Hillary at all. Comey got the attention of undecideds and weak Hillary backers, and it was reflected in the massive poll shift. Only the rabid partisan Hillaroids will see this as absolution. Anyone who switched to Trump based on the Comey surprise will not switch back to Hillary. They have been persuaded of her dishonesty and will see the fix as in for Hillary once again. I haven’t checked, but I guarantee this case is as closed as it was on July 5th. Which means wide open.

    One ominous thing is that Hillary getting this scandal “shut down” is a clear signal that she can, and will, get it permanently and quickly shut down if she is President.

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