Clinton Will Support A Woman For President. As Long As She’s Just Like Her – IOTW Report

Clinton Will Support A Woman For President. As Long As She’s Just Like Her

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday evening that she would support a woman for president if that candidate was a like-minded Democrat.

“I just hope she’s someone I agree with, so I can support her,” Clinton told a crowd in Toronto Thursday evening.

Clinton Will Support A Woman For President On One Condition

21 Comments on Clinton Will Support A Woman For President. As Long As She’s Just Like Her

  1. The only campaign message Hillary had for the fairer sex was that she was a woman…..that’s all the reason woman were given to vote for her.

    But now to gain Hillary’s vote a woman will need to agree with Hillary’s view. Maybe by them Hillary will actually share what her views are, she sure didn’t during her campaign. And she still asking Why wasn’t I 50 points ahead?
    Get a clue Hillary, you’ve run out of people and things to blame.

  2. “Authentic” candidates:

    Black socialist
    Woman socialist
    Hispanic socialist
    Indian socialist
    Gay socialist
    Asian socialist
    Christian socialist
    Military socialist

    All others are Uncle Toms.

  3. This is hilarious, considering that Liz Warren seemed to go out of her way, to insert herself as a Hillary VP candidate.

    Hillary seemed to want NOTHING to do with Fauxcohantas. LOLOLOL

    Hillz will NEVER endorse another female candidate. NEVER.

  4. Hey, will someone tell your Attorney General Sessions to get his thumb out of his ass and convict her of something so we can deny her entry into our country? We have standards dammit!

  5. Gee Hillary, just maybe we didn’t vote for you simply because we don’t support you.
    Doesn’t that make much more sense than all the rationalizing you’ve spouted since you lost ??

    Benghazi, you’re perpetual deflection of responsibility, your RAPIST HUSBAND, your selective memory, your nails-on-a-chalkboard voice, your wrong positions on so many policies, your incompetence…. there are SO MANY reasons not to support you.

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