CNN Champions Hijab Barbie – IOTW Report

CNN Champions Hijab Barbie


Paul Joseph Watson discusses the newest addition to Barbie’s line of dolls for young girls: Hijab Barbie.

7 Comments on CNN Champions Hijab Barbie

  1. I’d accept that… long as they produce a Barbie that has been stoned to death for misbehaving, been forced into an unwanted marriage at age of 6, suffered the unnecessary attack of a clitorectomy or suffered the shame and punishment of not having enough witnesses of your rape.

    PHUCK BARBIE DOLLS and every thing they stand for.

  2. Hey MJA is that the new bullpen at the bottom of the page under the comments?
    How do we post there?
    Or do we have to send something in by email?
    Geoff C, the Saltine.

  3. Does Hijab Barbie come with a black eye, bruises, and other husband-inflicted injuries for her marital failings, or do those have to be purchased as a separate accessory package?


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