CNN Polling of Trump Approval Rating Has Same Flawed Methodology That Predicted Hillary Would Win – IOTW Report

CNN Polling of Trump Approval Rating Has Same Flawed Methodology That Predicted Hillary Would Win

CNN’s Trump approval rating is an outlier, 10 points below others.

The Daily Caller-

Oversampling Democrats And Independents

CNN polled a total of 1,016 adults from Feb. 20-23 nationwide and had respondents self-identify their political affiliations. Thirty-three percent of respondents identified as Democrats, 44 percent as Independent or members of another party and 23 percent as Republicans.

 Polling All Adults Versus ‘Likely Voters’

CNN polled the opinions of “adults,” ages 18 and up, however, Rasmussen polled “likely voters.”  Choosing one method or the other can lead to different results.

Polling “adults” includes a significant number of respondents in a given sample that either rarely or never vote. Adults that are not politically active, or rarely politically active, are less likely to follow public policy debates as closely as those who are committed voters.

Using “likely voters,” some argue, like Kyle Kondik, managing editor of “Sabato’s Crystal Ball,” is a better barometer for measuring presidential approval ratings.

“If I were to start doing a poll of presidential approval, I personally would do registered voters,” Kondik told TheDCNF in July 2017. “If you’re looking specifically at trying to figure out the electoral effects, you’re probably better off doing registered voters or likely voters.”


8 Comments on CNN Polling of Trump Approval Rating Has Same Flawed Methodology That Predicted Hillary Would Win

  1. CNN is a spiffed-up version of The Weekly World News. There are several Pulitzer Prizes collecting dust on the shelves at Columbia University (who awards them), to anyone who can figure out how to pull the FCC plug on CNN.

  2. That’s Republicans probably hang up the phone when they hear on the other end of the phone: “This is CNN”. Well they hang up after they tell the pollster they don’t watch fake news.

  3. Trump WON the ULTIMATE poll – and WITHOUT whitey-guilt, affirmative-action, sympathy votes, unlike the LAST guy. 🙄

    Trump is MORE my President, than Shitbama EVER was. :flipoff:

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