CNN Townhall – IOTW Report

CNN Townhall


106 Comments on CNN Townhall

  1. He did it again when asked if he would support Trump if he’s the nominee.
    He may think it’s clever the way he doesn’t answer direct questions, but it is very slimy and slippery and unbecoming.


  2. “Well, thank you for your question…..that’s a good question…yadda, yadda, yadda”

    Answer the damn question.

    Wow that audience is in the tank for this guy.

    Five minutes into the opiate question he still hasn’t answered if he will support a bill, unless I missed an answer amid his pontificating.

  3. That’s Plain Jan, I mean……. Of course, The Donald does repeat himself and, then, he repeats himself again.

    *I* actually have large chunks of his stump speeches memorized, now. ….Lady in Red

  4. Set up?
    Not fair…whaaaaa

    LOL Hahahahhaha!

    If Trump’s people aren’t wise enough to vet an interviewer, WHEN THAT INTERVIEWER HAS A DAILY FREE-BROADCAST RADIO SHOW…
    Smart power!

    Hillary is going to fry Trumps bacon, well done.

    Farewell and adieu ye fair Spanish ladies…

    Madame president. Damn it is gonna suck! 🙁

  5. BB you are right. Even though CNN has given Trump more screen time than all the other candidates put together, resulting in $millions of in kind contributions to his campaign, they are a fair and balanced operation that would never set up Cruz or anyone else.

  6. Cruz needs to take a page from the Donald Trump – Charlie Sheen playbook for talking to the MSM:

    We’re the best.
    I will hire the best.
    I always win.
    Bankruptcies…look a squirrel.
    Nasty guy!
    Megyn Kelly is a whore.
    Yes 70% of American women despise me but who needs em?
    THESE poll numbers, not those and those and those…
    Yes I gave money to Hillary, Pelosi, Reid, Planned Parenthood, Jimmy Carter, John Kerry, etc, but that doesn’t mean I am a democrat.

  7. Blessedly, Fur, Trump’s positions “evolve,” as do my own. Neither of us are ideologues. Kinda conservative, with a lot of libertarian and a pinch of liberal folded in.

    I am hoping Gingrich, or someone, will get him to re-think the health care mess (but his heart is in the right place).

    Education? He just mis-spoke. Trump knows that we spend zillions more on education, only indoctrinate, and, internationally, our kids are educational failures. He’ll work on that one: back to the people! ….Lady in Red

  8. I will support Cruz “tremendously,” but I am saying it here and now, the guy creeps me out the way he answers questions.
    It is a wall of words that reflexively tiptoes around the heart of the question. He can’t help it. It’s in his bones.
    You can ask him if he wants eggs for breakfast and he will instinctively tippy tap around his answer.

  9. We have liberal bias in the MSM.

    We have Trump bias and Cruz bias running rampant on this site.

    Plain Jane can’t even critique Trump without blasting Cruz.

    Guilty as charged too, but I also believe I am a fair and balanced angel. 🙂

  10. Scruz is a slimy preacher/lawyer/politician. Who wants to hear that nasal voice evade questions in the White House?
    Trump is flawed but I rather listen to Trump’s un-filtered nation cheer-leading than Scruz’s political lawyer preacher bullshit.

  11. Has Trump ever said anything other than that healthcare is the responsibility of government?
    Aside from his issues with parts of Obamacare, his support for government takeover of healthcare is one of the things he has been consistent with over the years.
    Those crooked doctors have salaries that on average, are higher than what the average CEO makes.
    Obamacare is a failure.
    Trumpcare will be a success!
    Trump 2016

  12. I think Trump might actually listen to Newt and, lawd knows, one of these mornings he’s going to have to wake up and actually sound presidential, for a change. ….sigh….

    Gingrich took Trump out today about the wifie food fight. I hope *somebody* is listening! ….Lady in Red

  13. 90% of the questions Trump’s get are about his personality.
    When are people going to get over their repeated shock that Trump is not a guarded career politician?
    He’s a dick… so what????
    Are there points awarded for NOT being a dick when you’re president?
    Who awards them, and why?
    The UN?

  14. You know, Loco: it is hard for me to believe that there are more than 15 idiots in this country who would actually walk to a voting station and pull a lever for Hillary to amass an even greater fortune for herself and Chelsea (and ole Bill). …because that is *totally* all she is about. Hillary will *not* — no matter what — happen. Relax. ….Lady in Red

  15. Lady In Red, I wish I shared your optimism.

    Hillary STARTS with 47%
    She will have the dead, the illegal, the multi-state-voters.
    Hell, drones will fly from state to state to vote for her.

    Not to mention when they first power up the Die-Bold machines in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, South Florida, New Mexico, North Carolina, etc they will read:

    Hillary Clinton D…7859

    Donald J. Trump R… – 377

  16. For years now, Loco, The Establishment, the Chamber of Commerce, didn’t give a damn who won. It was a Punch and Judy show and the cheating was irrelevant. Trump has shaken all that up, now. I think it will be hard to cheat Trump. …smile…

    I may be wrong, but, for one brief shining moment, I want to believe that this time — really — it will be different. Sadly, Cruz will just be a return to the globalist same ole, same ole….. Look at the promise the people held out for Paul Ryan. I hope the bastard loses his primary! And I hope that more and more smart, politically inexperienced business folk run (for just a little bit) to help the country.

    I did. I lost. But, that was “Before Trump.” ….Lady in Red

  17. Kasich – “how are we going to give a religious test for people coming in? Are we going to ask, ‘if you’re Muslim raise your hand.”

    Muslim refugees are being invited in.
    Let’s start there. They don’t have to raise their hands.

  18. Kasich says he’s not going to take the low road to the highest position in the land.

    Cooper just read a tweet his campaign manager posted. It called Cruz a liar and the most hated man in the senate and made fun of him.

    That’s not the low road?

  19. Fur — I watched the HBO production of “The Gathering Storm” and their later sequel “Into the Storm.” I highly recommend them both — about Churchill in the lead up to Britain’s entry into the war and the sequel about fighting the war and war’s end.

    I hesitate to talk about the parallels here among this crowd, but please do watch them (I found both on Comcast’s online movie database, but I think you can find them in parts on YT or through a general Bing search (videos). The parallels, that is, between who Churchill really was and a certain presidential candidate. I won’t say more except I really recommend watching them.

    One of my favorite scenes is after Churchill has been made PM and declared himself Minister of Defense. He is having a conversation with a couple of his top guys and arguing for his inclusion in something and says (in essence) “I’m a great officer of morale. Everyone says so.” This, coming from a man who has pile driven his entire staff into the ground as First Lord of the Admiralty, for months.

    I’d like to hear your opinion about the life and times of England on the brink of its demise and the personage of Churchill and his unique personality and what it did for the England’s ability to fight and win a war they should have lost in the first months after France’s surrender. Churchill was faced with terrible decisions, including sinking France’s entire flotilla, killing 1,200 French seaman, in order that Hitler not get his hands on and use their ships to attack England.

  20. My take:

    Cruz can’t answer a question, But he did ok.

    DJ Trump can’t focus, but he had a good start and a good finish, but the middle part sucked big time. Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Korea nuking is dandy? Really?

    What I did find intriguing is the name of his Easter Grandkid. Ted. Named after Theodore Roosevelt. Just what party was Teddy a part of to win the presidency?

    Uncle Al, care to weigh in on this one?

  21. Uncle Al is the only guy here that knows history?

    Well, try this one on for size.
    When Roosevelt ran for mayor of NY, the GOP went around saying Roosevelt couldn’t win, so the republican voters backed the democrat -Abram Hewitt.

    Sound familiar?

  22. I like Trump, just not his history. When Cruz was asked what he would do to empower women, he should have said ” Not a damn thing, that is not the role of the federal government”

    But to your question, Teddy ran for mayor of NYC? Really? That’s a new one to me.

  23. Teddy Roosevelt assumed the presidency as vice president after William Mckinley was assassinated….they were both Republicans….I channel Uncle Al, but it makes my armpits swell…

  24. I’m enjoying this banter. But I’m watching “Forged in Fire” and learning how to make a Scottish Dagger. I’m trying to convince Mrs. Moe to allow me to but a forge in the basement. She thinks
    I’ll burn down the house. Maybe I said, but I have insurance. But, she said, our insurance doesn’t cover a Goddamn forge in the Goddamn basement. I could tell she was angry. So I gave up the idea. Damn I miss the forge in metal shop years ago back in the fifties, where we would make knives, screwdrivers; one guy made an anchor. But best of all we could smoke cigarettes,undetected. Not that Mr. Healey gave a shit because he smoked too Matter of fact, on his pay day he would give us smokers a cigarette. The poor man, a great mechanic, would be put in jail today. Well I’ll let you all go back to the Town Hall. Sorry for the interruption. But I thought you might need a break from the bullshit.
    I’ll have a Johnney Red and continue with “Forged in Fire.”

  25. Loco, you and I and others have a huge difference of opinion on what candidate would be best to fix bad shit in our country. We have a different perspective and life’s experiences that guide us towards our decisions. I have no problem with that. Just don’t pull shit from WAY up your ass to try and justify your position like a couple people do here. It causes Trump supporters to do the same and next thing you know, it’s all gone to shit. I’ll try and keep my mouth shut for the most part. Certain elements are not going away. Watch out for splinters.

  26. Hey guys wanta read a real good book ’bout what’s really going on in America?
    Read “Scarlet Letters” The ever increasing intolerance of the cult of Liberalism. By Jack Cashill.

    Cashill has a one hour lecture on C SPAN 2 Books which is well worth the hour of your time.

    C SPAN 2 Books Jack Cashill Scarlet Letters.

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