CO: Hickenlooper Sweeps Parole Review Under the Rug – IOTW Report

CO: Hickenlooper Sweeps Parole Review Under the Rug

WFB: Despite Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) telling the Denver Post nearly two years ago that his administration would “aggressively” review new parole policies, the state’s Department of Corrections does not have any summary of findings or any final report of that review.

The declarations from the governor for a review came after a rash of violent incidents involving parolees emerged in the late winter of 2015 and early months of 2016, roughly a year after Democratic lawmakers in the state overhauled elements of the parole system, especially mechanisms having to do with the revocation process.

In one of those incidents, a parolee who had exhibited erratic and violent behavior after his release from prison eventually killed a homeless man in a downtown Denver alley. In another instance, a parolee who had been temporarily jailed for violations would, days later, lead police on a high-speed chase and shootout, in which a Denver Police Department officer was shot in the leg, and the parolee was killed by return fire.  read more

5 Comments on CO: Hickenlooper Sweeps Parole Review Under the Rug

  1. This is the Gov that suspended the death penalty so a scumbag that murdered 5 people he had worked with at a Chuck E Cheese so he could steal less than $1,600 didn’t get executed after exhausting all appeals (18+ years later). Last I heard he is still considering commuting the guy’s sentence. He has also made it hard to try violent youth as adults, he has protected illegals and made Denver a sanctuary city.

  2. Symptomatic of the same mindset that created the Florida school shooter and others. Liberals think the disproportionate numbers of minorities in prison is evidence of systemic racism in the criminal justice system, so we must reduce prosecutions and parole as many as possible under democrat administrations. All necessary to secure those minority votes. If you even suggest that minorities committ more crimes, you are a racist! it wouldn’t be a problem if the only victims were democrats.

  3. Hey Gov. Good luck with trying to knock Kapiphornia off the bottom of the list. At one time Colorado was a go to state for young people graduating from college, getting out of the Service. No more. Kapiphornia transplants ran from their failed state and brought their losing values with them to Colorado. Look how well that turned out. Time for setting up voter registration check points at all roads leading out of Kaliphornia. If escapees have voted, even once, for a democrat, turn their stupid asses around.


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