Colombia’s Capital Begins Water Rationing, Asks Couples to Bathe Together – IOTW Report

Colombia’s Capital Begins Water Rationing, Asks Couples to Bathe Together


Colombia’s capital city, Bogotá, will begin rolling water rationing on Thursday for at least a year, Mayor Carlos Fernando Galán announced Monday.

Galán asserted that the restrictions in running water distribution seek to alleviate a drought caused by El Niño weather pattern, which has dropped water levels of the reservoirs that supply the Colombian capital to “alert” levels.

“This situation has to do, obviously, with the El Niño phenomenon and with a month of March that was aggravated because it was expected to have rains in the last week and that the trend in the reservoirs was going to change,” Galán said. “But that did not happen; we had one of the driest Marches historically, and that aggravated the situation and led us to the situation we are seeing.”

Galán stated that a low reservoir level was projected for 2024, but the results have been worse than expected, warning that “2025 is projected to be more critical than 2024.” more

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