Coming soon: Moderate Republicans to bail out Obamacare exchanges? – IOTW Report

Coming soon: Moderate Republicans to bail out Obamacare exchanges?


In the wake of the failure to repeal the problem known as Obamacare, a group of “moderate” Democrats and Republicans, who call themselves the “Problem Solvers Caucus,” are attempting to push the bailout of Obamacare exchange insurers across the finish line.

Former Trump campaign economic adviser Stephen Moore, writing, calls out Republicans for their participation in throwing “a multi-billion dollar life line to the Obamacare insurance exchanges.”  He adds:

If Republicans are partners to this fiscal crime, they are as culpable as the Democrats who passed this turkey in the first place and they certainly don’t deserve to be the governing party.

Moore contends that the “Obamacare lobby is salivating” over the idea that omission of the “bailout funds” from the health care law was an “innocent mistake” and that insurer payment funds were “intended to be automatic entitlement payments that would not have to be appropriated by Congress.”

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9 Comments on Coming soon: Moderate Republicans to bail out Obamacare exchanges?

  1. Socialized medicine is anathematic to our Constitution.
    It’s a shame (and a sin) to have illiterate corrupt maggots on the SCOTUS who allowed this abomination to stand.
    I challenge any one (or all of them) to point to the article in our Constitution that allows the FedGov to take over medicine. They know it’s a lie, and that’s why they hid behind the phony “tax” argument.

    Sorry, but the fukkin maggots tearing shit up, burning towns, and killing people may have the right idea. The FedGov has bent over backwards to subsidize them and make excuses for every outrage. The poor slobs going about their business, working, paying taxes – are just sheep to be sheared, and later, mutton.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. From the Roosevelt crippling New Deal to the Obamacare BIG deal.

    The insurance lobby will be showering contributions, dinners, junkets and special favors to get their hands on $10 Billion dollars to revive socialized medicine.

    There are no moderate Republicans, just as there are no moderate islamists.

    The GOP goes from leaderless disappointment, to collusion and full blown betrayal.

  3. If any Republican politician in my district considered this, I would not only refuse to support him or her, I would actively campaign against them. Obamacare was a system that was passed in the dead of night because it was a turkey, responsible economists knew it would fail based on what they knew at the time it passed, and economists knew it would fail after they learned what was in it. To cap all of this off, Democrats – including Obama – just out and out lied about the ACA and its effects.

    A bailout is the height of lunacy; trying to rescue a system we knew would fail in the first place. Any person proposing or supporting this has no place in our government.

  4. You see “Molon Lave” in lots of places these days,
    but when the Supreme Court did not slap down the asinine Obullshitcare ‘mandate’ that Americans MUST buy INSURANCE, the angry outrage that welled up inside me will not be quenched.
    This must be repudiated, renounced and apologized for, if the country is to reverse its wrong-headed suicidal plunge.
    I don’t expect to see a non-violent correction. If it is not corrected, the country is gone forever.

    Never forget what is contained in the byzantine 12,000 pages of oppressive rules. It has very little to do with anyone’s health.

  5. I wonder what future archaeologists, trying to decipher the language of the ancient Americans, will translate the symbols “Moderate” to in their language? They’ll have plenty of samples: “Moderate Republican”, “Moderate Islamic”, and just plain “Moderate”. I wonder…

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