Common Core Construction – IOTW Report

Common Core Construction

common core math house

8 Comments on Common Core Construction

  1. I just watched a video, I think it was a NOVA production on the rebuilding of The Tower in NYC. It was amazing. The engineering, the math, the logistics, the talent, the courage. I wish I had a link but you can search it. It’s really worth watching It’s about one hour long. I don’t think Common core math came into play.

  2. A common core teacher from California came to visit in the homeland of second place Illinois and was all like, “I love common core, it’s such a benefit to my job and students.”
    My wife defended her while my head was throwing a vein. I left the arena on account of being a good host. Wife later explains that they have better tools for common core in California than we have here and as a result the students perform much better.
    It’s federal FFS.

  3. Teacher is back in California and wife is in Louisiana for the week. Like cockroaches, but somehow it’s for my benefit. My wife is also a college teacher for a second job, in a niche subject, that involves a lot of faggots for the benefit of ADA, so I learn a lot to keep my trap shut at the right times. If only they had some time to listen, but that is half the problem.

  4. I did a project for CC this year. In fact, the whole season dealt with CC in some fashion (some states left CC but still used their tests materials). Largest failure rate than I’ve seen in my 27 years of grading tests.

  5. Topsy turvy and upside down just like common core. They’d probably tell you that you need to put it into perspective and then you might understand. An upside down house for upside down people, me I prefer reality as it really is. I don’t trust any of these people, they’re the same ones who screwed me up with new math and look say reading (fortunately I learned to read and write phonetically despite their best efforts to make me a dummy) back in the 50’s and 60’s.

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