Condemned Man on Death Row Asks For 6-Pack As Part of His Last Meal – He’s Denied – IOTW Report

Condemned Man on Death Row Asks For 6-Pack As Part of His Last Meal – He’s Denied

The prison policy is NO CONTRABAND.

Wait, isn’t the sedative they give the guy before they kill him contraband?

19 Comments on Condemned Man on Death Row Asks For 6-Pack As Part of His Last Meal – He’s Denied

  1. The whole question of lethal injection drugs is ridiculous.

    The Left is trying to ban lethal injection as “cruel and unusual” punishment, usually for someone who committed one or more brutal murders, and who was more often than not, a drug abuser.

    Also, the makers of lethal injection drugs are being subtly attacked by Leftists and non-death penalty governmental entities. So, the supply of these drugs is in question.

    Which… to tie all this together makes one wonder: Why don’t we give death row inmates a lethal dose of their preferred drug – heroin or cocaine – rather than a “cocktail” of certain drugs? Seriously, a heroine overdose would probably be the most humane way to go. And, we could use all those confiscated drugs to do it.

    So, Mr. Warden, why not a lethal dose with a Budweiser chaser? “Oh, and please, make it a Bud LIGHT, ‘cuz he don’t wanna get ‘filled up!”

  2. I have a proposal: if at the time of conviction & sentencing, the condemned criminal agrees to forego ALL automatic appeals by do-gooder Leftist shysters in return for booze, drugs, fancy food as his last meal, then I am all for it.

    We taxpayers would save millions in delays, court costs, legal fees and the victims’ families would get closure & vindication right quick.

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