Congressional Dems Call For Break Up Of Big Tech – IOTW Report

Congressional Dems Call For Break Up Of Big Tech

Associated Press

After years of calling Big Tech too big, Democratic lawmakers are calling for Congress to rein in Facebook, Google, Amazon and Apple by breaking them up, limiting future mergers and blocking self-dealing that could hurt competitors.

Those proposals are in a 450-page report issued Tuesday by a House antitrust panel, which undertook a 15-month investigation into the companies’ market dominance. More

5 Comments on Congressional Dems Call For Break Up Of Big Tech

  1. Well, at last the Dems are doing something that will actually benefit the country. Now if they’ll only do the same thing with Big Media. We don’t need a tech oligopoly, and we don’t need a media oligopoly.

  2. Don’t fall for that, they want MORE censorship and are mad they haven’t gotten FB and Twitter to completely ban Trump and others. They’ll use the power to get them fully censor anything they deem unacceptable.

  3. As Google, facebook, MS & the rest try to deliver the election to them.

    I was holding stock in Microsoft when they tanked due to the BILL CLINTON trying to bust them up in the 90’s to 2000’s.

    I guess they did not learn a thing.


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