Connecting to the Readers – Fun Survey Questions – IOTW Report

Connecting to the Readers – Fun Survey Questions

We haven’t done this in awhile.

Copy and pasted this list into the comments and answer what you feel comfortable answering.

  1. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
  2. If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
  3. Choose your magic power.
  4. You just formed a band, name it.
  5. Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
  6. You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
  7. Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
  8. What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
  9. What’s the title of the documentary about you?
  10. What are you wearing right now?

48 Comments on Connecting to the Readers – Fun Survey Questions

  1. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat? Crow.
    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? Trex.
    Choose your magic power. Xray vision.
    You just formed a band, name it. Broke and the hungries
    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again. Giving my uncle spankings.
    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing? Any show tunes.
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)I am invisible and I know what you are thinking (shame on you)
    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating? What a great government.
    What’s the title of the documentary about you? Sad sad little man.
    What are you wearing right now? Nothing.

  2. 1. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat? KALE
    2. If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? DUMBO
    3. Choose your magic power. CURE STUPIDITY
    4. You just formed a band, name it. LETS GO BRANDON
    5. Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again. CLEAN THE LITTER BOXES (but still have my kitties)
    6. You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing? “Deep Purple” 🙁
    7. Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) Invisible — I don’t want to know what people are thinking . That would be scary.
    8. What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating? Probably a knock knock joke. Do kids even do that now?
    9. What’s the title of the documentary about you? One Day At a Time
    10. What are you wearing right now? Skinny jeans (no holes!!!) and a t-shirt

  3. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
    My wife’s favorite meal..
    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    Scooby-Doo doo
    Choose your magic power.
    Ability to detect and vaporize commies..
    You just formed a band, name it.
    Its my music,, deal with it..
    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    Take Lyme disease antibiotics..
    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    Hot Rod Lincoln..
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    Invisible.. then i can hear what people say when they think they are in private.

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?cant remember..
    What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    Who Gives A Crap.
    What are you wearing right now?T-shirt, shorts and sneakers.

  4. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat? Mushrooms

    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? Scooby or Rastro or Mr. Ed

    Choose your magic power. Persuasion

    You just formed a band, name it. The Grateful to be Alive

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again. Work

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing? Taking Care of Business

    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) Read minds. It gives a tactical edge.

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating? Knock knock…

    What’s the title of the documentary about you? ???
    What are you wearing right now? My standard summer attire – shorts, t-shirt and flip flops.

  5. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?

    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?

    Choose your magic power.
    Time Travel

    You just formed a band, name it.
    The Lickity Splits

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    Use a smartphone

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    Fly me to the moon

    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    read minds, would make a fortune playing poker

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    What’s black and white and red all over? newspaper or sunburnt zebra

    What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    The outsider

    What are you wearing right now?

  6. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
    I don’t eat what I don’t care for.
    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? Minotaur
    Choose your magic power. To heal.
    You just formed a band, name it. Misplaced Blues
    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again. Attend a family member or friend’s funeral.
    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    I don’t sing, hum or dance.
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) Read minds; My younger brother had a stroke he’s paralyzed on his right side and can’t talk. I don’t know what he wants or what he needs. The more I question him, the more agitated he gets.
    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating? Something Involving Marilyn Monroe, I forget the punch line; I was 13 at the time.
    What’s the title of the documentary about you? Vietnam Experience; Betrayed!
    What are you wearing right now? Blue jeans, t-shirt and no shoes.

  7. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat? Canned Tuna
    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? Ted
    Choose your magic power. Make everyone happy
    You just formed a band, name it. Little Head
    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again. Pay taxes
    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing? Rikki Don’t Lose That Number
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) Read minds. Would suck to be invisible.
    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating? If you were in the desert what would you eat? The sand which is there.
    What’s the title of the documentary about you? You’re Not Going To Get This Hour Back
    What are you wearing right now? Cut off lounge pants

  8. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
    Spaghetti with meatballs

    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    Pet Administrative Assistant/Accountant/Money Manager

    Choose your magic power.

    You just formed a band, name it.

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    Make a meal from what I’ve got on hand.

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?

    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    Invisible. I can already read minds.

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    A knock-knock joke (but I can’t remember it)

    What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    Borrowing a quote: “This is about Abigail, who was always tired. She lived in a world where too much was required.”

    What are you wearing right now?
    Lounging pants and an old tee shirt.

  9. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?

    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    Fritz the Cat

    Choose your magic power.
    Time Travel

    You just formed a band, name it.
    Rancid Tuna

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    Take Brutus to the Vet

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    White Rabbit.

    What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    Belgian Red

    What are you wearing right now?
    Cargo Short and Bikini Top

  10. 1. NA
    2. Unicorn
    3. Belt-fed .50 cal.
    4. AOC –annihilation of communism
    5. hear the bullshit from liberal democrat commies
    6. Leave me alone and mind your own fucking business, (I don’t know if it’s a song…but it should be).
    7. I would love to be invisible to the haters of this world and I would love to read their minds so I would know the best time to attack. I want it both ways.
    8. In the 6th grade I’m telling this joke—– Indian chief on train tells his squaw; fetch water, the squaw returns with a ladle of water and the chief drinks it, this happens 2 more times as the train is heading down the tracks. As the chief tells the squaw for the third time that he wants another drink of water she comes back and tells him she has no water and the chief asks WHY?
    The squaw says; white woman sitting on well.
    9. Conservative asshole.
    10. As little as possible but enough to be semi-modest.

  11. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
    Food at friends’ homes who aren’t good cooks

    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    Talking cat

    Choose your magic power.

    You just formed a band, name it.
    Hot Grannies

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?

    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) Invisible. I don’t want to know what’s on people’s minds and it would get noisy in my head.

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    Wanna hear a dirty joke? 3 White horses fell in the mud.

    What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    Rabble Rouser

    What are you wearing right now?

  12. 1. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?

    2. If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    Foghorn Leghorn … that bird cracks me up

    3. Choose your magic power.
    making people STFU w/ a snap of my fingers

    4. You just formed a band, name it.
    ‘Hunter’s Crack Ho’s’

    5. Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    well, she makes me wear stockings & garters some time, so I have to shave my legs (j/k)
    seriously though, I don’t like shaving … my face (& I haven’t been a beard guy in decades)

    6. You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    the Mighty Mouse theme song … “Here I come to save the daaaaaaaay”
    (shamelessly stolen from Andy Kaufman)

    7. Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    I’d rather be neither …. I’d have to move to a much warmer climate to walk around naked & reading minds would drive me over the edge … & I’m already close enough

    8. What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    when I voted for Bush twice … both of them! … Rinse & Repeat

    9. What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’

    10. What are you wearing right now?
    wait, let me go put something on ………………… ok …. flip-flops

  13. 1. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
    …Okra. yuk. Wife loves it.

    2. If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    …Gwaihir. Never need a plane again. Plus, he hunts fresh meat.

    3. Choose your magic power.
    …ALL of them. Why stint. But if I only get one, healing. My whole family needs it, and doctors and hospitals suck now.

    4. You just formed a band, name it.
    …I can’t play, can’t sing, and have White Guy rhythm. Name it No Legged Dog, because the naming a no legged dog is pointless since it won’t come anyway.

    5. Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    …Drive. I drive 80 miles every day on asshole-filled, cop-lined roads that are perpetually under construction at Joe Pedo gas prices. Screw driving.

    6. You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    …”Consumite Furore”. As I said, my singing is horrid, may as well sing horror. I can sound pretty lugubrious in Latin
    See Point 4 above.

    7. Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    …Invisible. I actually can already blend when I want to, ugly tho I am, so I’m halfway there as it is. I certainly don’t want to read minds, the stupid alone could be lethal and I’d be constantly amazed that anyone could live in a mind that small.

    8. What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    …My name. My whole life’s a joke, and a pretty black one, too. The TRULY Big Guy Upstairs can be SUCH a kidder…

    9. What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    “The TRULY Big Guy Upstairs can be SUCH a kidder.” See Point 8 above.

    10. “What are you wearing right now?”
    A work uniform with a responser Star of Life on it. The T-shirt is more comfortable in the extremely unairconditioned plant than the usual button up pocket uniform, but its Company issue so I’m still legit. I work every day and I’m sometimes lazy about changing if I gotta do things in the yard afterwards like today.

    What, nothing about dream girls or most embarassing moments? Good thing, at my age, a dream girl would CAUSE a most embarrassing moment, and probably a fatal one too since the wife has a ,45 and shoots better than me…

  14. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?

    Eating is 30 minutes I could be doing something else.

    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?

    My buddy Sammy is so good he’s fictional. 🐶

    Choose your magic power.

    No Quarter, No Mercy.

    You just formed a band, name it.

    Stick Figure Zombies.

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.

    Taking cardboard to the dump.

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?

    Born to be Wild

    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)

    Invisible. It would be easier to sneak up on my dog to say “AH-HAAAA!”

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?

    Something about “Mr Rab-bit, is here with the shit”

    What’s the title of the documentary about you?

    No Quarter, No Mercy.

    What are you wearing right now?

    Shorts, lawnmower shirt, and some comfortable shoes.

  15. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
    – Any tube noodles like ziti and penne.

    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    – Brian Stelter

    Choose your magic power.
    – Cure ham.

    You just formed a band, name it.
    – Assuming Genders

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    – Mop.

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    – flight of the bumblebee

    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    – Invisible. So people will stop bothering me.

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    – George W. Bush

    What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    – “She’s too quiet. That means trouble.”

    What are you wearing right now?
    – I can’t describe it. I’ll post pictures.

  16. 1. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
    Cooked carrots. Yeah, I eat them if I’m a guest. I don’t let on that they make me gag!
    2. If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    3. Choose your magic power.
    Make people tell the truth.
    4.You just formed a band, name it.
    Glorious Mud Daubers
    5. Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    Doctor visits
    6. You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    Karen Carpenter song, “Close to You”. Hey, it’s in my vocal range. So there. Ok, and I’m a little sappy.
    7. Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    Invisible. I wouldn’t have to read minds, then. I’d go to every Senator, Representative, and all leaders of every non-elected government agency and record their criminal behavior. I’d give them to all media free of charge.
    8. What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    The government is here to help.
    9. What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    Boring and Lonely and Sometimes Not
    10 What are you wearing right now?
    Nightshirt and back brace.

  17. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat? Strawberries
    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? Ren & Stimpy
    Choose your magic power. Flying
    You just formed a band, name it. The FJB Band
    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again. Dishes
    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing? Don’t Stop Me Now (Queen)
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) Invisible because I don’t care to know what other people are thinking
    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    What’s the title of the documentary about you? Never Quite Enough
    What are you wearing right now? Shorts & T-shirt

  18. Claudia
    JUNE 4, 2022 AT 8:56 PM

    …bet you make that back brace look GOOD!

    Still praying you a speedy and full recovery, Lady C, and may your hurts hurt as little as possible.

    God Bless,

  19. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?

    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?

    Choose your magic power.
    -the art/design I envision magically appears completed on my computer/board in a blink of an eye. Boom!

    You just formed a band, name it.

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    -get labs done.

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight.
    What are you singing?
    -Sweet Dreams are Made of This by the Eurythmics

    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    -Invisible. I don’t think I want to know everyone’s thoughts especially if it would greatly change how I felt about them.

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    -What’s black and white and red/read all over? A newspaper!

    What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    -“Deadlines, Kitties and Coffee”

    What are you wearing right now?
    -dark brown T shirt with a cartoon Sasquatch on it that says, “Leave Me Alone,” boot cut jeans and Ugg boots.

  20. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
    I HATE peas and I never sometimes eat them.
    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    Muffet from Battlestar Galactica.
    Choose your magic power.
    Killing demons with my mind as I work my way towards the devil.
    You just formed a band, name it.
    “Porcelain Blood”
    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    “You Never Met A Motherfucker Quite Like Me”
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds?
    Be invisible. (and why?) So I could get away with being filthy fricken rich quick.
    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    This is from the Blanche Knott books I still have. “What do you call a black prostitute with braces? A Black and Decker Pecker Wrecker.”
    What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    “One Flew Through The Cuckoo’s Nest.”
    What are you wearing right now?
    Black sweats and an NFL jersey of my favorite team.

  21. 1) What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
    Answer: Fish
    2) If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    Answer: Clifford
    3) Choose your magic power.
    Answer: Invisibility
    4) You just formed a band, name it.
    Answer: Reality
    5) Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    Answer: Work
    6) You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    Answer: Alone again naturally
    7) Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    Answer: Invisible..Reading minds would just make me angry.
    8) What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    Answer: a knock Knock joke
    9) What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    Answer: A mess of trouble.
    10) What are you wearing right now?
    Answer: Black pants, Grey shirt, Black sweater, and Knee high nylons.

  22. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?

    I do all the cooking, if I don’t like it, I don’t cook it.

    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?

    Raquel Welch

    Choose your magic power.

    Don’t need any.

    You just formed a band, name it.
    Dick and the Fourskins

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.

    I got nothing.

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?

    Complete stranger pay me not to sing.

    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)

    Invisible, I don’t care what you’re”re thinking and if I’m invisible you won’t tell me.

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?

    Nixon’s dad should have pulled out sooner. It didn’t go over well.

    What’s the title of the documentary about you?

    What an asshole.
    What are you wearing right now?

    A Glock.

  23. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?


    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?

    That little creature that laughed every time Jabba the Hut killed someone.

    Choose your magic power.

    Being able to project farting sounds at any distance

    You just formed a band, name it.

    Humiliation Monkey

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.

    Tell my boss that she has a nice ass.

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?

    Lovin’ You by Minnie Ripperton

    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)

    Read minds, because then I wouldn’t have to be invisible because I’d know where the person was gonna look next and just do a ninja move to always be out of their sight.

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?

    Carlin’s joke about the seven words you can never say on TV. Apparently, my nana had no sense of humor and whooped my ass after telling it to her.

    What’s the title of the documentary about you?

    Banned in Five Posts or Less

    What are you wearing right now?

    Whipped Cream

  24. 1. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
    I’m a really picky eater so if I don’t like it, or don’t think I’ll like it, I don’t eat it. That goes for my least favorite.
    2. If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    Mr. Peabody
    3. Choose your magic power.
    Having the memory I did when I was 20.
    4. You just formed a band, name it.
    The Deplorables
    5. Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    Look for crap I laid down five minutes ago.
    6. You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    Something really short like “Shave and a Haircut, Two Bits”.
    7. Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    Damn. I think they’d both be scary.
    8. What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    Why did the chicken cross the road?
    9. What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”
    10. What are you wearing right now?
    Jeans and a long-sleeved tee.

  25. The list of questions is somewhat archaic.

    Other possible (random) questions:

    Does it hang left or right?

    Do you prefer hanging together, or, separately?

    Is one larger than the other?

    Do they flop around much?

    Were you spanked as a child?

    Are there more like you at home?

    Do you still have your own hair?

    Do you still have all your teeth or do you need to check first?

    Does coffee give you the jitters or are you sure it isn’t just early onset Parkinson’s?

    Are you still kicking the dog when you go home?

    How many times do you get up at night to urinate:
    [ 1 ]
    [ 2 ]
    [ 3 ]
    [ I forget ]

    Select the most applicable. What item do you lose most often?
    [ My keys ]
    [ My coffee cup ]
    [ My cocktail glass ]
    [ My temper ]
    [ What was the question again? ]


  26. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat? ANTYHING I COOK
    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? ROY ROGER’S HORSE. BUT IT’S DEAD.
    Choose your magic power. INVISIBILITY
    You just formed a band, name it. THE IOTW TRIO
    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again. VOMIT.
    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing? ANY SONG I CAN TALK MY WAY THROUGH
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) INVISIBLE: I’D JUST LISTEN IN WHEN I NEED TO
    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating? THAT JOKE WAS SO OLD, THE FIRST TIME I HEARD IT I FELL OFF MY DINOSAUR LAUGHING.
    What’s the title of the documentary about you? INTERESTING, BUT SEE WHAT ELSE IS ON.
    What are you wearing right now? UNDERWEAR

  27. General Malaise
    JUNE 4, 2022 AT 10:51 PM
    The list of questions is somewhat archaic.

    Other possible (random) questions:

    Does it hang left or right?
    …everything hangs straight down. Entropy and gravity rule.

    Do you prefer hanging together, or, separately?
    …I prefer my ENEMIES hang. Don’t care if it’s one by one, or all at once.

    Is one larger than the other?
    …yes, I have one nostril larger than the other. Everyone does. Go look in the mirror, or up your wife’s sleeping nose if you don’t belive me.

    Do they flop around much?
    …when I open the coop, my pullets do flop around quite a bit.

    Were you spanked as a child?
    …not enough, obviously,or I wouldn’t be here talking to you.

    Are there more like you at home?
    …nope. God isn’t that cruel.

    Do you still have your own hair?
    …pubic or armpit? Leg or ear? Nose or bunghole? C’mon man, be more specific.

    Do you still have all your teeth or do you need to check first?
    …does in a jar count?

    Does coffee give you the jitters or are you sure it isn’t just early onset Parkinson’s?
    …don’t drink coffee. Life makes me jttery enough all by itself.

    Are you still kicking the dog when you go home?
    …don’t kick dogs, never have, but may have flogged the bishop when I was a teenager…

    How many times do you get up at night to urinate:
    [ 1 ]
    [ 2 ]
    [ 3 ]
    [ I forget ]

    Select the most applicable. What item do you lose most often?
    [ My keys ]
    [ My coffee cup ]
    [ My cocktail glass ]
    [ My temper ]
    [ What was the question again? ]

  28. 1. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat? The food of India
    2. If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? Dumbo
    3. Choose your magic power. Endless energy
    4. You just formed a band, name it. Raging Old Farts
    5. Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again. Talk to strangers
    6. You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing? America The Beautiful
    7. Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) Invisible because it is the ultimate anonymity.
    8. What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating? I still can’t repeat them without messing up, so I didn’t and don’t.
    9. What’s the title of the documentary about you? WHO?
    10. What are you wearing right now? Bedclothes, nighty night.

  29. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
    Steamed taters without any fixin’s.
    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    Choose your magic power.
    Electrocution. And teleportation would be cool.
    You just formed a band, name it.
    The Hot Rods.
    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    Unchained Melody… perfectly this time.
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    Invisible. Just imagine the hilarity giving random snuggies & wedgies.
    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    Something about Dwayne the bathtub…
    What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    Falling Down.
    What are you wearing right now?
    Crocs. And a smile.

  30. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat? tomatoes

    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? Hedwig

    Choose your magic power. Shape shifting

    You just formed a band, name it. Can’t think of anything

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again. Clean

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing? John Barleycorn Must Die

    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) Invisible because I could then sneak into places to be a fly in the wall. I don’t want to know everything people are thinking – a bit scary and maybe gross

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating? What do you call a witch on a beach? A sandwich

    What’s the title of the documentary about you? Celery Stick

    What are you wearing right now? Pajamas (top and bottom) with pullover thrown on cuz I’m sitting on the deck and it’s a bit chilly

  31. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat? Fish

    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? The golden goose

    Choose your magic power. Thanos snap so there’s no more commies ever.

    You just formed a band, name it. The albino black sheep

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again. Interact with idiots.

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing? Either The Song That Doesn’t End by Lambchop (until they physically remove me from the stage), or The Ballad of Jimi Hendrix by S.O.D.

    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) Invisible because I like to scare people.

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating? Something about a frog in a blender

    What’s the title of the documentary about you? Hey, Asshole…
    What are you wearing right now? Gym shorts and tshirt

  32. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?

    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?

    Choose your magic power.

    You just formed a band, name it.

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?

    What’s the title of the documentary about you?

    What are you wearing right now?

  33. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes
    I will eat pretty much anything, unfortunately
    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    Arnold, Green Acres
    Choose your magic power.
    Laser beam eyes to eliminate any driver pissing me off
    You just formed a band, name it.

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    Meal plan
    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    Love Shack
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    Read minds cuz I truly don’t understand people
    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?

    What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    Millionare disguised as a granola housewife
    What are you wearing right now?
    Silk Kimono

  34. There are a lot of smart and clever readers on this thread.

    What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat? any seafood
    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? Foghorn Leghorn
    Choose your magic power. the ability to zap lefties with my stinkeye
    You just formed a band, name it. Jackie O Reveals Secret Elvis Love Diet
    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again. Wax the car, err wax anything
    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing? any song done by Cher because she is so gifted and beautiful and intelligent. I’ll also need her makeup spackling tool and her autotune.
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) invisible as it would be easier to eliminate leftist commies
    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating? “that’s what makes him so MEAN” you know the rest of it
    What’s the title of the documentary about you? that lucky SOB
    What are you wearing right now? fishing shirt, PJ bottoms, comfy slippers

  35. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?

    I never eat anything I don’t like, it’s a waste of time and money.

    Choose your magic power.

    Intuition and the ability to know when someone is bullshitting me.

    You just formed a band, name it.


    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.

    Take a dump.

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?

    Amazing Grace.

    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)

    Invisible definitely–I’d rather not be seen and just stand back and watch.

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?

    Mole-lasses joke

    What’s the title of the documentary about you?

    Mission Impossible

    What are you wearing right now?

    Black knitted lounge wear and a flannel shirt It’s cold here – and rain–no complaints.

  36. @General Malaise, two more great lines from that show.
    “when I rise to power those people will be sterilized.”
    “If I had a death ray I would be in my mountain top lair counting all the money the people of earth will give me not to use my death ray.”

  37. 1 – Least favorite – Broccoli
    2 – Fictional pet – Gary Seven’s black cat in Star Trek
    3 – Magic power – See through vision to assist my treasure hunting
    4 – Band name – The Pinchee Davincis – we’re friggin artists mate !!
    5 – Something – Listen to Joe Biden
    6 – Karaoke – Love Is Only Sleeping by The Monkees. Not on karaoke so I have to play it on open mic night.
    7 – Read minds – I love that episode on the Twilight Zone with the quarter standing up in the money box
    8 – Joke – either Osborn Green or Bowels No Move 🙂
    9 – Documentary – The King Of Rocklin
    10 – Wearing – American Flag swimming trunks – I’m washing my shorts 🙂

  38. @ General Malaise

    I like your questions better.

    Does it hang left or right?
    Formerly, it used to stand straight up but that’s no longer too much of a problem.

    Do you prefer hanging together, or separately?
    Congress hanging together is about the only bipartisanship I’m in favor of.

    Is one larger than the other?
    I have two big toes both of which are larger than the two little toes I also have.

    Do they flop around much?
    No more than the rest of my feet.

    Were you spanked as a child?
    No more than but probably not as much as I deserved.

    Are there more like you at home?
    My wife prefers me at home and most other people do too as long as they don’t have to be there.

    Do you still have your own hair?
    Still got it but it’s being overgrown by skin.

    Do you still have all your teeth or do you need to check first?
    Still have some. Don’t know who has the rest.

    Does coffee give you the jitters or are you sure it isn’t just early onset Parkinson’s?
    Half coffee, half Baily’s, no jitters.

    Are you still kicking the dog when you go home?
    Being bit once was enough.

    How many times do you get up at night to urinate:
    [ 1 ]
    [ 2 ]
    [ 3 ]
    [ I forget ]
    Every time so far.

    Select the most applicable. What item do you lose most often?
    [ My keys ]
    [ My coffee cup ]
    [ My cocktail glass ]
    [ My temper ]
    [ What was the question again? ]
    My mind.

  39. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat? BEETS.
    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? MARMADUKE.
    Choose your magic power. THE APOSTOLIC GIFTS.
    You just formed a band, name it. URANUS and the KLINGONS.
    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again. PEE.
    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing? THIS WORLD IS NOT MY HOME.
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) INVISIBLE (The Shadow is back!)
    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating? POLISH GUY AND THE OUTHOUSE.
    What’s the title of the documentary about you? DIARY OF A NOBODY.
    What are you wearing right now? SHORTS AND T SHIRT.

  40. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat? Meat loaf

    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? lion from Born Free

    Choose your magic power. Send people to the corn field OR time travel

    You just formed a band, name it. A Day Late and A Dollar Short

    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    Clean litter boxes

    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing? White Rabbit because I can only sing loudly

    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) Invisible. Don’t want to listen to people chattering in my head all the time and maybe I could rob a bank

    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating? What do you do with old bowling balls? Make rosaries for Catholic elephants.

    What’s the title of the documentary about you? Confederacy of Dunces

    What are you wearing right now? Raggedy old jeans a size too big and an ancient ‘I love deplorables’ tee shirt

  41. 1. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat? Any fast food
    2. If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have? Cheshire Cat
    3. Choose your magic power. Teleportation.
    Airline travel is no longer fun.
    4. You just formed a band, name it. Effing Awesome
    5. Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again. Put down another dog.
    6. You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing? Blue Velvet
    7. Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?) Invisible. I can learn many secrets without being inside someone’s skull.
    8. What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    Something naughty overheard by my parents while they played cards at night with friends, and I retold to my 4th grade friends. We all shared (overheard) dirty jokes we learned from our folks.
    9. What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    Have You Seen This Person?
    10.What are you wearing right now?
    A Mother of Danes t-shirt with the Targaryen symbol and athletic shorts.

  42. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    Rocky the Flying Squirrel
    Choose your magic power.
    You just formed a band, name it.
    The ObG’s (Oldies but Goodies)
    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    A Hymn – Those are the only ones I can really “get into”.
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    Be invisible. I could sneak away. I wouldn’t want to be in any other mind – too confusing traversing my own.
    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    A dirty little poop joke when I was about 8.
    What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    Kind and Sensible (most of the time)
    What are you wearing right now?
    Long skirt and t-shirt top, sandals.

  43. What is your LEAST favorite food that you sometimes eat?
    If you could choose any fictional pet, who would you choose to have?
    A combination of all the plaqyboy pets of the year
    Choose your magic power.
    Mind control
    You just formed a band, name it.
    Name something you do a lot that you wish you’d never have to do again.
    You have to sing Karaoke tonight. What are you singing?
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? (and why?)
    Read minds. Anybody can be invisible if they’re careful.
    What’s the first joke you ever remember repeating?
    Knock Knock
    What’s the title of the documentary about you?
    One Handy Dude
    What are you wearing right now?
    Shorts and black Tshirt.

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