The Controversial Rant By Tennessee Commissioner – IOTW Report

The Controversial Rant By Tennessee Commissioner

The fallout HERE

28 Comments on The Controversial Rant By Tennessee Commissioner

  1. “they got a queer running for president…”

    Well, what is the Q in LGBTQ then? What is the controversy?

    Or is Q “questioning” I can’t keep up with the alphabet people

  2. We have a coffee shop here in town….It’s open from 6:30 am until 9:30 am. It’s very polite, perhaps too polite. Mostly crop prices and rain fall discussions….Occasionally they dive into politics and I guarantee you they sound like this guy!…The ladies of the United Methodist Church would and will say much harsher things, but I love them because they make cookies for me around the holidays and they hate faggots too…..

  3. The woman who left in a snit proved that unless libs are emboldened by being in a mob, they are cowards. She had the opportunity to confront the man one on one. Present your case. Argue your arguments.

    But no. She called up her liberal pal and they made a YouTube about how morally superior she is.

    And isn’t a queer from your side running for President? And are you from Tennessee or are you a pest that has migrated and burrowed your pus injecting poison into the Volunteer state against their will?

  4. So sorry people were offended(not), but he spoke the truth. Any white man who disagrees is just as stupid as a liberal. They’ll destroy the poor old guy now though, because that is what they do.

  5. I don’t see what big deal is here. Bill Clinton was “America’s first black president” and Obola was America’s first GAY president and first MOHAMMEDAN president and first COMMUNIST president and first KENYAN USURPER president. And his beard Michelle was America’s first Tranny first lady

  6. Up until yesterday, white people could say “lynch”. Today, we can’t. That’s just the latest addition to things we can’t say, wear, or eat. One more hand gesture we can’t make. One more child we can’t adopt.Tomorrow, there will be something else taken away. When non-whites and self-hating whites fly into a rage over a sign that says, ” Its OK to be white”, we have to assume they don’t think it’s OK.

    Every non-white in this country is allowed to organize in exclusive identity groups. But let one old white man suggest that white people have their own interests to protect, and it’s moral panic time. I’m pissed off about the nonwhite social justice lilliputians and the annoying strings they keep trying to tie me down with, but the people who disgust and anger me most are the self-hating, virtue-signaling, back-stabbing, cowardly, *racist* white people selling out our culture for a mess of PC pottage.

  7. this is only ‘controversial’ because the progressive usurpers have succeeded in indoctrinating enough people to believe that immorality (killing babies, child rape, child pornography, human trafficking, death-dealing drugs, ‘open borders’ [what an oxymoron that is!], robbing people by government fiat, discrimination by government, etc.) is moral

    … “As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
    The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!”

  8. The only thing controversial about this is that he dared say out loud things not allowed to be said out loud anymore. Not because he’s wrong. Because free speech is quickly fading away.

  9. She didn’t storm out as she claims. She was asked to leave because the stench of her stale patchouli oil was making all those around her nauseous.
    Mopping down with the pungent concoction is how she avoids the bathtub day after day.


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