Cops try to run down man acting erratically – end up shooting him 14 times – IOTW Report

Cops try to run down man acting erratically – end up shooting him 14 times

Not sure how this one escalated so quickly. Cops seem to be playing a video game with this one.

ht/ all too much

17 Comments on Cops try to run down man acting erratically – end up shooting him 14 times

  1. Bad bad part of town. I haven’t seen the video from the officers vest cams. I don’t think they’ve released those. The perp had have better turned on them and started moving forward or they’re in deep shit. 14 rounds is excessive, but appearantly now days the norm. Poor training.

  2. Is it remotely possible we are so far gone that we’re seeing a few false flag ops committed by leftist plants who are actual police officers, just for the goal of inciting more and more unrest?

    Just a thought, hope I’m wrong.

  3. Cops try to run down man acting erratically – end up shooting him 14 times

    In that short video, it is the cops who are acting erratically. If their prey didn’t threaten them, then I’m with Brad: the cops are in deep shit – and I’ll add they deserve to be.

  4. When I was young (many years ago), the accepted procedure seemed to be that the cop could yell “Halt!” and fire a warning shot in the air, after which, if the suspect didn’t stop, he was subject to being fired on. I don’t know if that was an “unwritten law” or not, but everybody seemed to be cool with it. If you ran from the cops, you knew what to expect.

  5. The cop thought he was at the range target practicing. Nevertheless, 1 less EBT card holder, 1 less Section 8, more Skittles and Cheetos for me, no more Obamaphone for him, no Obamacare, no more taxpayer money spent on him. Life is good.

  6. Any context? What was going on? What was the call that the officers were responding to? What info did the officers have on the guy? Was he armed? Did he just try to kill someone?

    Once again, we are asked to make a snap judgment based on a short video clip with no context. Let the local community (not BLM or YouTube) investigate this……

  7. muddjuice, I have a good friend that’s worked for that very agency for at least 20 years. He’s risen pretty far up in that agency. He’s a POST certified trainer. we were talking about the shootings that just occurred two weeks ago and according to him the criteria for a good shoot is the perp needs to have something in his hands, raising what ever he has in his hands towards the officer or charging the officer. Its my understanding it’s doesn’t really matter what they were called out there for. It has to do only with the subject actions when they get on seen. I would imagine an active shooter scenario might be judged differently. My buddies not happy with a lot of shifting criteria for what makes a good shoot. I personally don’t get the need for 14 rounds. Once he’s no longer a threat he’s no longer a target. Now I know I wasn’t there, and I’ve never been in a gun fight. I can only imagine the stress. But at the same time there’s data available that contrasts average number of shots fired by LEO vs CCW’s in an armed confrontation and the numbers are shocking.As I remember the ratio was 20 to 2.

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