Corrine Brown stoic leaving court after being found guilty of fraud, corruption charges – IOTW Report

Corrine Brown stoic leaving court after being found guilty of fraud, corruption charges



Former Congresswoman Corrine Brown was found guilty of 18 of 22 charges against her. A 12-member jury found her guilty of conspiring to commit mail and wire fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, lying on financial disclosure forms, impeding IRS tax laws, and filing false tax returns.

She left the courthouse through the front doors and immediately came upon a media gauntlet.

Brown said she respected the justice system and the jury, but intended to file motions to begin the appeal process. She maintains her innocence.

“She’ll continue to fight,” Smith told the assembled crowd. He added the congresswoman would be heading home and spend time with her family.

“Obviously it’s been a very taxing time,” he continued. “I know this seems like the end of the game, but it’s only the first quarter… there’s plenty of time left.”

Brown’s full statement after the verdict:

“While I respect the jury’s decision, I disagree with it and I want to make it clear that I maintain my innocence. I did not commit these crimes and I intend to file a motion for a new trial. I will continue to stand on my record of decades of faithful service to this community and the nation. I have a long record of charitable service to the community and that will continue even during this process. I want to thank my family and friends for their prayers and support during this difficult time. I ask that you continue to pray for and support me. This fight is not over and as I’m sure you know I will continue to fight to clear my name and restore my reputation.”


26 Comments on Corrine Brown stoic leaving court after being found guilty of fraud, corruption charges

  1. “$330,000 went to various events all related to the former congresswoman, including …an inauguration bus trip… ” KARMA, baby! How wonderful to watch the bus she road to Oblowme’s inauguration run her over!

  2. Correct me if I’m wrong but she can only appeal if she can prove specific errors in the trial. It sounds like the trial went smoothly, the jury thought about each of the charges (she did get found not guilty on 4). Not sure what grounds she’ll appeal on.

  3. Many years ago I went to a “Grant Writing Seminar” she sponsored. I put it in quotes because after getting there I found out it was really a “Re-elect Corrine Brown” rally. I was still a Demoncrat then but she really rubbed me the wrong way that day.

  4. Schmidt,
    She lost in the primary. Al Lawson is her replacement in the district.
    It formerly ran from Jacksonville to Apopa in Orange County. Now it runs from Jacksonville to Tallahassee with a chunk of Leon County formerly in District 2. Either case it is a district designed for maximum black turnout.
    Unfortunately, under that redistricting, we were thrown into District 5. Fortunately, Al Lawson is a vast improvement over her.
    Splitting up District 2 made Gwen Graham a single term Congresswoman, but she is already going for that term and Daddy’s name to take her to the Governor’s Mansion. Daddy’s girl has nothing going for her other than playing on the family name and her pretend work days like the old man did.

  5. Rickyg. I wouldn’t tell anyone she rubbed you at all.
    Go Gattah is hoping she can drag this out on appeal & not die in a cell. They need to go after her crooked daughter next.
    Why do the proud black women in the CBC all wear wigs that give the appearance of straight Caucasian hair?

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