Cory Booker and Liz Warren test positive for Coof – IOTW Report

Cory Booker and Liz Warren test positive for Coof

TMZ: Congress appears to have a rash of COVID spreading amongst its ranks — with Sen. Cory Booker being the 2nd elected official this weekend to announce he’s positive.

Booker broke the news Sunday, writing … “I learned today that I tested positive for COVID-19 after first feeling symptoms on Saturday. My symptoms are relatively mild.” He threw in a plug for vaccines, adding … “I’m beyond grateful to have received two doses of vaccine and, more recently, a booster – I’m certain that without them I would be doing much worse.”

Booker’s COVID news comes on the heels of Sen. Elizabeth Warren declaring the same just hours earlier … saying she too had caught the ‘rona.

SEW writes, “I regularly test for COVID & while I tested negative earlier this week, today I tested positive with a breakthrough case.” more h/t Brad.

25 Comments on Cory Booker and Liz Warren test positive for Coof

  1. They must have exchanged bodily fluids.

    Booker: ooooh Liz, here comes a lovin’ spoonful of the black man’s jhizz.
    Liz: ooooh, ooooh Cory, French kiss me and I’ll give you a mouthful of genuine Cherokee saliva.

  2. “I hope you die a painful death
    I hope you choke on your next breath…” – a song I heard a long time ago

    I’d like to say I didn’t mean that but there have been too many libs gloating over conservative, unvaccinated people’s deaths.

  3. Did they get the Cron? Or the Delta? Or the Gamma? Or the Beta? Or the Alpha?

    Maybe they got Mu? Or Lambda?

    Of course they don’t know. The chances are actually excellent they merely caught the common cold. But I hope they’re scared shitless.

  4. Two morons with their room temperature IQ on public display. Demonrats: you can’t prove a negative. You can’t scientifically prove that your symptoms are lessened by any number of jabs when the population symptoms range from “nothing detected” to drowning in your own bodily fluids to strokes and heart attacks massive blood clots.

    All you can say for sure, is that if two or three jabs don’t stop you from catching it then the jabs Do Not Work.

  5. This is serious.
    I hear that Native Peoples/Indians are more likely to experience complications from THE MAN MADE CHYNA VIRUS THAT FAUCI HELPED FUND.

    1/64th native is she?
    6 to 10 generations ago?

  6. Isn’t it a pity that as Senators they excluded themselves of the vast benefits of obozocare?????

    I hope they are forced onto a Ventillator until their lungs look like they were too close to the broiler!

  7. Wasn’t it Colin Powell who got the jab, got covid and died? Then there’s that heartless heart surgeon who said he wouldn’t cry at any unvaxxed funeral. He boasted about his second jab, then he died. No tears. The same can happen to the jab cheerleaders. Do it!

  8. This is total BS. It’s fake news designed to ramp up the fear that ‘if these elites can get Covid, then we peons will surely die this winter with it.’ Biden will tell the Nation this on Tuesday.

    I don’t believe elite in DC has been vaccinated and they’re all taking a prophylactic, including Tony “The Worm” Fauci.

    Testing “positive” (if even true) means squat.

    Prove. me. wrong.

  9. If they live they will blame the unvaxxed and unmasked, if they die they will blame the unvaxxed and unmasked. If they live they will praise the vaccines as saving their lives, if they die they will praise the vaccines saying it could have been worse.


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