Cory Booker Asked Why He Didn’t Give the Rebuttal – IOTW Report

Cory Booker Asked Why He Didn’t Give the Rebuttal

I’ll tell you why Cory Booker (D-NJ), one of the presumed up and comers within the Democrat party, didn’t get the honors of providing the rebuttal last night.  It’s because of the deer in the headlights look he gave while trying to talk his way out of the obvious question of why he passed up this opportunity to take the national stage.


There’s something seriously wrong with this man’s ability to lie like a Schumer or a Clinton. He looks like he’s in physical pain as he tries his best to distance himself  from the missed chance to be the face of the Democratic party.

14 Comments on Cory Booker Asked Why He Didn’t Give the Rebuttal

  1. Cory Booker is a “low down, lyin’ yankee.” And I can prove it. Just like Shane.
    By testifying against Jeff Sessions, and being a lying SOB, only the Main Stream Media, the Clinton News Network, and the Fake News
    Giants could trust him. He’s done. Stick a fork in him.

  2. Cory’s like Jeb, another “choker”.

    Obama poisoned the well and scorched the earth. The “magic articulate negro” experiment is over.

    Booker will be 90 years old and bedridden before anyone seriously floats the idea of a black President again. And then, only for laughs.

  3. Simplest reason and one the libs would shout as nauseum, had this happened in the GOP-racist democRATS!!!

    It’s funny to watch the puppet strings tangle as he is surprised to be asked a contentious, off script, question BY MSNBC.

    He clearly did not expect that, nor her push citing republicans! So funny. Had his eyes opened and further or faster, they would have popped out.

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