Could California give Gavin Newsom the boot? – IOTW Report

Could California give Gavin Newsom the boot?

American Thinker-

There’s a lot of talk pooh-poohing the growing popular efforts to recall California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom.

The barriers are high – the petitioners have to gain 1.5 million signatures, in each of five counties and that kind of work on a February or March 2020 deadline, takes money.

There also are two petitions going around instead of one, which could split the signatures and doesn’t say much for a united opposition with its act together. Neither are revealing just how many signatures they have, and to get to a million, they need 10,000 a day. There are some claims and indicators though that suggest the signatures are rising. It also doesn’t help that there are oodles more recall petitions circulating out there, unauthorized, so signatures mean nothing, and the sites themselves are devoted to data-mining.

Another problem is that there have been a lot of recall efforts – 86 to be exact, and only one succeeded, in 2003 against the honorable, if errant, GrayDavis, who is a good and decent man even if he’s a left-Democrat. It means that for recall enthusiasts, California itself has been-there, done-that, as recently as 2003, when Davis was ousted. The cure, named Arnold Schwarzenegger, as it turned out, was worse than the disease. More challenging still, the demographics of the state are different since Davis ran the state. Last year, 700,000 residents fled the state for more business friendly climes. But illegals are pouring in (though some of them are fleeing, too, which tells you how bad it is) and half the state wants to move out. They’ll eventually leave, and only leftists will remain standing. 

All of that gives Newsom some wiggle room.

But despite the pessimistic outlook, the parallels to the 2003 case are increasing, writes Steven Greenhut, a well-known political consultant, in the pages of theOrange County Register. READ MORE

SNIP: California readers, here is the petition to sign- According to the folks at KFI AM640, which is based in Los Angeles.

16 Comments on Could California give Gavin Newsom the boot?

  1. “Could California give Gavin Newsom the boot?”

    …Democrat, so no.

    “Hey everybody, let’s go impeach Trump! Your house is burnt down anyway because of Global Warming that Trump caused, so it’s the PERFECT time to go march on Washington for you, and you won’t even get shit on your feet like you do in San Francisco during the march, either, so win-win…”

  2. …it wouldn’t matter if they DID, they’d just find someone even loonier.

    I mean, I USED to think they could NEVER do worse than Jerry Brown, but they found a way…

  3. Multiple petitions with multiple petition circulating organizations will kill the effort.

    They either unite or die.

    As if the Right can actually unite on anything.

  4. Only way he gets the boot is if his progressive ideas aren’t far enough to the left by not sinking the state further to the bottom fast enough.

    All he needs to do to regain voter support is something along the lines of not extinguishing CA forest fires and let them burn out naturally, claiming that water on fires only adds to climate change. That will get him re-elected no problems.

  5. And this Newsome creature actually has presidential aspirations. He thinks he can win a national election when the people in his own state don’t even want him. Delusional. Like Beto.

  6. If it fails don’t expect Newsom to be a changed man. Colorado’s socialist gov Jared Polis just survived a recall with similar circumstance, competing groups collecting signatures etc and it probably has just emboldened him. If Newsom did get the boot he’d still run for POTUS in 2024. If Warren can lead with her Pocahontas crap with Joe and his recording bragging about getting a prosecutor fired what would it take to tarnish a dem enough to keep them from running.

  7. The commiepornia election commission is as corrupt as they come. Set the bar for recall astronomically high and then then throw out thousands of signatures as not valid. All while letting illegals vote and pushing vote harvesting. I signed the petition weeks ago. Yeah some other asshole will replace him but at least he’d know we hate his guts.

  8. What does it matter how bad their Governor is, when the CA Legislature is the most anti-American, militantly liberal, profoundly irresponsible group that’s ever been compiled?!

    And the majority of those banditos are well-ensconced. They will sink the beautiful ship they’ve commandeered, and trashed.

    Stick a fork in it, CA is past Well Done.
    Consider these fires like when you torch a lawn that cannot be thatched, is not worth saving. Vaya con Dios.

  9. There’s a full blown campaign going on in my county to recall Gruesome. Signature gatherers are parked on the side of the road with big signs for people to stop and sign the petition. The recall gatherers are outside of all the supermarkets in town gathering signatures. We recalled Gray Davis and Newsom isn’t any different. I despise the bastard.

  10. @Anonymous November 4, 2019 at 9:40 am

    > As if the Right can actually unite on anything.

    They’re all united in their Prime Directive:
    Surrender with dignity.


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