Could roving gangs of illegals be behind California’s horrific spree of ‘fire’ looting? – IOTW Report

Could roving gangs of illegals be behind California’s horrific spree of ‘fire’ looting?

Brian Norgard, the former CPO of Tinder, claims he witnessed over ten crews of “cartel-organized” looters tactically breaking into homes in the Hollywood Hills.

7 Comments on Could roving gangs of illegals be behind California’s horrific spree of ‘fire’ looting?

  1. …amazingly, it was once possible to agree on some things with some Democrats…

    “I have conferred with the superintendent of police this morning and I gave him the following instructions, which I thought were instructions on the night of the fifth that were not carried out. I said to him very emphatically and very definitely that [he should issue an order] immediately and under his signature to shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand in Chicago because they’re potential murderers, and to issue a police order to shoot to maim or cripple any arsonists and looters–arsonists to kill and looters to maim and detain.”
    -Richard J. Daley, Chicago Mayor, 1968

    …seems like a pretty good answer here too, if Newsome can excuse the National Guard from enforcing his cannabis cartel for a minute…

  2. Also: fire causing.
    One guy arrested in L.A. with pyro stuff, known felon and illegal immigrant. But city/state policy is to not hand him over to ICE. They will likely free him – free a guy whose goal is to set fires!!! This is CA.

  3. Check this out –
    Man Seen Starting Fires With Blow Torch in LA County Not Charged With Arson

    This is the real problem. The fires are just the symptom of a much larger issue that caused them. Liberal policies of coddling criminals, intimidating Police at every turn, result in absolutely no deterrence for crime. Nothing is going to change until this political insanity is rectified first!

  4. Also heard that David Spade offered 5k for the arrest of any arsonist. Good. Reward people to do the right thing… but are the creeps going to remain arrested? Even if they remain arrested, it’ll be for something else on their rap sheets, not for arson.
    Gotta keep that phony baloney climate change hoax going.


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