Coulter – IOTW Report


12 Comments on Coulter

  1. I heard Laura Ingram is in the running to be press secretary, but Ann would also be great at it.

    When my fifteen year old grand daughter got vocal talking about the election the wife told our son in law he might have an Ann Coulter in the family. She said his face actually glowed a little.

  2. The idea came to MSM via Dan Rather with his ‘fake but accurate’ lies. The only reason Hillary got as far as she did was 100% fake news be it ‘landing under sniper fire’ to being ‘the most qualified person to run for POTUS’.

  3. I have to say Anne is a personal friend since high school. Now we email fantasizing about skiing trips to Peru which She is brilliant and really eccentric . Her parents and older brothers would discuss European common law vs American at the dinner table. I would be lost. She is really protected and rightly so. I can’t imagine living with the security like she does. God bless you and yours this glorious season of Trump!

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