Crazy Leftist Bumper Stickers Contest – Part 2 – IOTW Report

Crazy Leftist Bumper Stickers Contest – Part 2

Monday, we started a Contest for the Crazy Leftist Bumper Stickers. Several readers commented on ones they have seen and some linked to images. If you missed them, you may want to check them out HERE.

I received two submissions (Thank you!!):

Jethro – this is not a bumper sticker, but yard signs are accepted. I know this is not a yard sign, but close enough. Plus, it was found on the internet, so I’m making this ONE exception. If you see bumper stickers, yard signs, or other protest signs on the internet, please link to them in the comments, thank you.

SNS – I included a large image (below) of the stickers that are not clear when I shrink the image for display.

If you want your photo for Part 3, send them to me at my critter email (put Bumper Stickers in the Subject line):

I will update this periodically depending on how many pictures I get from you. Let’s see what you can find!

21 Comments on Crazy Leftist Bumper Stickers Contest – Part 2

  1. There is a parent that drops of their kid at my sons school in Toronto:
    BIDEN/HARRIS, BLM, and quite a few others on their Prius

    I make it a a point to pull up in front of their Soy Mobile with my: F@CK TRUDEAU, Thin Blue Line, & upside down Canadian Flag.

  2. Not Leftie but:

    Some SJW got out of her boyfriends car to knock on my window at a stop light about my 2 Old Bumper stickers on my Previous service truck: ( her boyfriend was embarrassed/scared)
    [Keep Working, Millions on Welfare are Depending on You]
    [I love Animals, They are Delicious]

    She blasted me from the window saying, “Your Sticker is extremely offensive, I would never use the company you work for”
    I handed her a Business Card and said “Thank You Mamme.”

    When she called the Office to complain, My Father told her to “Go Fuck Herself.”

    We are like Orange County Choppers except with HVAC.

  3. Yeah, I got a neighbor with all sorts of green/enviroment stickers on his car, but he won’t clean the snow off of it – they just hit the remote start and let it idle however long it takes for the snow to melt. I tried to tell him that he gets ZERO mpg and the engine pollutes more when it’s idling but he doesn’t even hear it.

  4. One of my personal favorites wasn’t a bumper sticker but a license plate on the back of a Dodge Ram P/U with Minnesota license plates that read PETASUX. I saw him on I 90 heading Westbound thru Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho a few years ago. I know it’s not a left wing phrase but I found it funny anyway.

  5. Years ago on the back of a 40 foot tractor full of 4×4 cedar posts was a bumper sticker. “Your Hole Is Our Goal”
    Not a lefty sticker but funny as hell 50 years later.

  6. I kept a big Trump2020 sticker in my console for just the right recipient.
    I finally found it, a Prius inundated with stickers- a rolling litter box.
    I parked and watched her go into the Whole Foods and stealthily snuck up and plastered that baby in a good place among the rest.
    I wonder how long she drove around until someone finally told her. 😆

  7. @ woody MARCH 31, 2022 AT 12:11 AM

    We need more of this. ‘Cept Trump 2024 now

    Is there a machine we can make bumper stickers at home with?

    That would be a gold mine.

  8. “Yard sign in a Tony neighborhood:”

    I am convinced they feel guilty for being wealthy and this is supposed to relieve them of it.

    I’ve known one personally since 1983 and he hates rich people. But he won’t refuse his millionaire-capitalist-pig daddy’s money he inherited from him. He actually brought up his dad as a drug dealer making money off of other people’s drug habits when I first met him. I was wondering if it was cocaine, heroine, or something like that.

    His dad owned half of a beer distributing company in Texas.

    My next thought – and I did say this to him : ‘You’re just feeling guilty for having money you didn’t earn. You could donate everything you get from him to feel better about it and earn your own way in life.’ The look on his face was like I hit him with a sack of potatoes. Stunned and speechless.

    He has never donated money or volunteered for anything. But he sure wants to make your life miserable with his “righteous” politics.


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