Creepy Uncle Joe Sniffing Little Girls Again – IOTW Report

Creepy Uncle Joe Sniffing Little Girls Again

The guy belongs in therapy. He’s been warned and he cannot stop.

ht/ jerry manderin

26 Comments on Creepy Uncle Joe Sniffing Little Girls Again

  1. …Dems are just setting him up as the “Pedophilia is Just A Lifestyle Choice, Love is Love” candidate. That plays REAL well with all the newly minted Muslim voters they are STILL importing in jobs lots, and the REST of their perverted base as well…

    …either that, or a “He’s a sick man, we should pity and elect him so he can get the HELP he needs that Trump’s gutting of Obamacare has viciously denied him” defense, either one.

    …but just wait until they start claiming that President Trump once sniffed little girls, they have a whistleblower EYEWITNESS, too, he’s secretly been reporting this to the only person he can trust, Adam Schiff, for YEARS, and no, no one can QUESTION him, but we MUST IMPEACH IMMEDIATELY because you HAVE to believe wome…wait, what? Not doing that this week? I mean, you HAVE to impeach TRUMP the Ukrainan Phone Caller and Sniffer of Little Girl’s Hair that we can’t tell you about…

  2. I think he got horny for the little girl, realized what he’d done and then kissed the boy to make it seem all “I love all children” when he really, very literally, wanted to kiss and have sex with the girl. I watch what I eat, don’t smoke, work out, drink minimally, all so that I can outlive Barry and Michelle, Bill and Hill, Joe, Schumer etc so I can be alive to toast their deaths. That will be my consolation for having to share my country with these wicked people.

  3. “The guy belongs in therapy. ”

    …MODERN Psychiatry would just tell us, as they ALWAYS do now, that the pervert is right and the REST of society has to ACCEPT his perversion or we are being cruel and should be imprisoned ourselves…

    …pretty sure that was one of the goals of Obamacare. To chase out all the GOOD, older doctors so they could put the fully Communist indoctrinated in as soon as possible and have them rewrite the DSM so WE’RE the bad guys and THEIR perversions are NORMAL…

  4. John Zonk NOVEMBER 4, 2019 AT 9:15 AM
    “He needs shock therapy to end this behavior. Dr. Zonk suggests a one hour session of sniffing Hillary’s crotch will stop this once and for all.”

    …they’re saving THAT for AFTER the election, once they’ve forced him to accept Hillary as his veep and frauded the election like NO election’s EVER been frauded before until they “win”, then they will do THIS during the Inaugural Ball, and, tragically, as President Hillary will inform us, he did not survive…

    …then she will IMMEDIATELY start the mourning process by signing Executive Orders that arrogate all Governmental powers to herself and then open the re-education camps so we can be punished for our insolence in not accepting her divine right rule the LAST time.

    …it’s what Joe would have wanted…

  5. Can’t this fool keep it together until the convention? I don’t know why I’m scared. I just have this vision of Biden’s campaign coming to an epic yet abrupt end, like the Hindenburg, and then the Democrats pulling an unknown Svengali out of the hat to win in the last minute. Or worse than a Svengali a moderate who actually loves the country, loves his wife and kids (both in the proper way that conforms to man’s laws and God’s will- we have to spell that out if we are talking about Democrats after all), pays his taxes and just wants whats best for the country but hates Republicans- a Mitt Romney but not the backstabbing kind. Come on Joe, pull it together. I want 2020 to be a quick clean death for your party.

    I had a very real dream that Hillary announced she was running again. It started off as a nightmare but transitioned nicely into a very pleasant dream. All Biden has to do is keep taking his meds and keep his paws & nose off they the young girls. Aaaaaaaand he will Hindenburg by February.

    Trump’s take down of Lie-a-watha will be more entertaining so it’s all good.

  6. What a fucking creep.

    You can see both of those kids are freaked out by Uncle Bad Touch. The girl recoils when she see what he’s doing and then the boy is like “sooo..that just happened”.

    This maxed out my recommended daily allowance of Cringe.

  7. (Set to the tune of Pink Floyd’s “Breathe” from Dark Side of The Moon)

    Breathe in the hair
    Don’t be afraid to stare
    Squeeze, but don’t squeeze me
    Feel around, the girl in the foreground
    All your life, you’ve tried to hide
    The feelings that you keep inside
    You love to touch, you love to feel
    This is a big fuckin deal….

  8. I wish just once, the father of one of these victims would punch Joe in the face when he pulls this shit. Secret Service couldn’t act fast enough to stop it, and the news media couldn’t cover it without covering the cause. Just need a democrat dad with balls. Oh well THAT won’t happen.

  9. Hey, where are the parents of these kids?
    First off, I would never be at a damned Democrat event EVER.
    However, given Creepy Joe’s history, would you not stand behind your child and shield them?

    If it was me, I would tell the SS that if the pervert touched or sniffed my child he would get a throat punch.


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