Criminal Genius Forgets The Eye Holes – IOTW Report

Criminal Genius Forgets The Eye Holes


A bank robber put a pillow case over his head to hide his identity – then had to take it off as he could not see.

Matthew Davies failed to create eye holes in the cover ahead of the armed raid at a bank in Dunfermline, Fife last September.

The 47-year-old, who threatened staff with a meat cleaver, left the branch with nearly £2,000 but was later arrested.

Davies, of Dunfermline, pleaded guilty to a charge of assault and robbery. More

14 Comments on Criminal Genius Forgets The Eye Holes

  1. If you want to show your face while robbing a bank or other large corporation, and get away with it.
    You first need to become Rep So-n-so, Sen. So-n-so, Vice President So-n-so. The evidence indicates you can do it without being any smarter than this guy. Just look at some of our elected officials. Or be a competent lawyer. A few unelected government beaurocrats can get away with it, too.

  2. When I get bored, I go to the bank, write ‘THIS IS A STICKUP – GIVE ME THE CASH’ on the back of a deposit slip and tuck it back in with the others and go watch from across the street. Good times.


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