Crocodile Cruises Lagoon With His Prey – A Dead Naked Guy – IOTW Report

Crocodile Cruises Lagoon With His Prey – A Dead Naked Guy

Click if you must. It’s gross.

Why am I even posting this?

29 Comments on Crocodile Cruises Lagoon With His Prey – A Dead Naked Guy

  1. I’ll pass, I’ve got my own visual collection of nasty human habits floating in the back of my aging mind. Keep on the sunny side, if that’s possible wandering about in this messed up world we’ve landed in.

  2. The crocodile is a crocodile. It’s what they do, and you can’t be mad at it.

    But it is sorrowful how disrespectful of a lost life its presetation is.

    Everyone’s getting a video. The Spanish language comments joke about it. The original tweet says he was swimming in the lake. Maybe they know that for a fact, maybe not.

    Is that now worthy of death? Does that make death funny?

    He is wearing a shirt, so he probably lost his pants fighting his losing battle for his life. Funny how that changes priorities. So some commentors say the croc raped him. Nice.

    Nothing to see here, really. A msn loses his life, maybe stupidly, maybe not. We are unbothered by seeing those who may see this video, a wife, a mother, a father, brother, or child of his, so we can comfortably view the nicely face-down decedent being dragged to his submerged storage to rot for awhile before dismemberment and consumption, free from considering what impact this will have on his family or indeed see the deathmask of his face so we need not contemplate the horror this man felt when he died with any empathy. Theatrical, really, could be a mannequin for all we care. Good man or bad man or that he was a human that God once breathed life into doesn’t matter, just wince, maybe some dark humor, and move on.

    Nothing to see here in the water.

    The real show is the reactions.

    We are all becoming inured to death, which will make it easier to ignore when Communism here enters its inevitable mass murder stage.

    None of these folks who looked impassively on a life lost will care if its your life, any more than they cared about his.

    My death, your death, the deaths of all we know and love, will be mourned only by a few and swiftly forgotten, unless some wag can find a way to get clicks mocking it. That’s all.

    Life is cheap, and getting cheaper by the day.

    As intened.

    Sorry to bring the room down. I won’t come back to do it any more. Just thought I’d point this sadness out and take a moment to consider another life lost as a life, and not a punchline, and move on.

    Enjoy your day.

  3. “Why am I even posting this?”

    I showed it to DH cuz he’s always telling me about alligator videos that he has seen – but with animals. He got to see a human animal this time. Drug cartel? Alligator looks like it’s well fed.

  4. One more thing – I’m pretty sure that’s Humper Biden. I bet he stiffed his crack dealer and that’s how he ended “up.” If one thinks about it, Pedo Peter has had a tragic life. Lost his wife and child in a car crash, lost his son to a brain tumor, and whadda do with a 52 yo kid who is a monster like his dad? I wonder who will write the book on that family?

  5. Wondering what life choices he made to end up like this.

    Also wondering if he was dead first and tossed into the lake. Murderer thinking it’s a good way to get rid of the body?

  6. Possibly a common occurrence in that country. It is the Third World after all. Onlookers were likely shocked the huge crocodile’s prize was still relatively, in one piece.


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