Cruz Mathematically Eliminated From Winning Nomination Says AP – IOTW Report

Cruz Mathematically Eliminated From Winning Nomination Says AP

Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz is mathematically eliminated from winning the GOP nomination on the first ballot, according to The Associated Press.

Trump is the only candidate that can get to 1237. Indiana is the entire ball of wax.

Brokered convention here we come.

233 Comments on Cruz Mathematically Eliminated From Winning Nomination Says AP

  1. TO dapenguin

    Tha was NOT written by West, but one of his “editors.”

    It’s one single POS chart.
    Sort of like all the crap leading up to the 1980 election, where they said, “Reagan is toast against Carter.”


  2. TO LCD

    I haven’t bothered with Red SLate in ages…
    …but I agree with you assessment of Trump tearing apart Hillary/whoever the Dem nominee is (nudge nudge wink wink HILLARY) and winning in November.

  3. @czar, with full agreement for the Colonel of course. As to your point, that is one of numerous charts that show the anti trump numbers are very high and of course the anti hills are high as well but in all the poles that I have seem so far, the anti trump is higher than the anti hill. As for the Reagan comment, that was back in the day when people still listened to pinko cronkite and were easily misled by fake poles. There are way more poles now and conducted way more often to think that they are not a true snapshot of the view of the populous.

  4. @czar, I also think it only fair to show you the mirror when you make all there comments about John S. You are as partisan as he is. I worry about both of you because you are both so partisan that I do not see you supporting the nominee if it is not your guy!! Perhaps we need an IOTW pledge

  5. TO Fur
    RE: my earlier post about Indiana

    Indiana’s Primary is May 3.
    I’ve heard about the shenanigans.

    While important (midwest, 57 delegates) it’s not critical.
    I see Trump meeting the goal, and ANY Indiana delegates icing on the cake (though California’s are the cherries on top).

  6. Please show me a snapshot poll from 8 months ago and the same poll today. Is it the same?
    Predicting an election 8 months from now from polling today is absolutely RIDICULOUS!
    Trump will CRUSH Hillary in the General Election despite all the assholes we have on “our side” saying otherwise just to get their guy in.

  7. dapenguin,

    I’ve repeatedly said I’m voting for the candidate who I believe can beat Hilllary. The GOP’s candidate may be it. Maybe not.

    I am free of PARTY PARTY ÜBER ALLES.
    We. Must. Beat. Hilary.

  8. @czar, I do not think you have any idea how much some people hate trump!! He is new to the conservative side and thus some are more than a little leery to support him and you will notice that Cruz has won most of the Red States. The Blue ones are not going to vote republican anyway, so big deal that he won New York, he won’t win it in November. Also you and I both new that Cruz did not steal anything from Trump, both of them knew about the Colorado rules for 6 months at least. Trump playing that game is really sad since he know better and now he is getting his minions all upset about something that we all know is total BS. Just like the”lyin Ted” comments, he never backs that up just throws it out there like the old trump insulting Rosie etal.

  9. Well the news media is calling California “the whole ball of wax”. And judging by the e mail traffic I’m receiving from the GOP, they’re pulling out all the stops here to try and stop Trump here. Might be to late.

  10. dapenguin. partisan? Republican partisan, yes. As to the candidates, no. That is something pinned on me by those who lack the intellectual prowess to counter the points I make.
    I don’t like any of the people running.
    What I really don’t like are brain dead imbecilic jerks that love their guy so much that they are intent on destroying the Republican party to prove their love.
    Trump could be a good man were he not surrounded by brown nosed yes men like Czar.
    Trump is not perfect, even if he is some peoples God. Trump needs to understand why the majority of the public and the majority of the Republican party don’t want him where he is.
    Were he to do that the situation would change dramatically.
    Instead he and his followers play this game where points are given for driving people away.

  11. I give Trump more credit for being a lot smarter than the dullard politicians he’s been pitted against and for hiring the best of the best to keep up with him.

    Even Fox – not a drum beater for Trump – says he’ll come within 68 votes of the 1237 and from there will make a deal for the 150 delegates who are unbound before the first vote.

    Trump has wiped the floor with all the pundits, prognosticators and so-called campaign strategists. Romney didn’t have the nomination wrapped up until June but he didn’t have $100 million in negative ads attacking him from his own party.

    As for the negatives – Trump and Hillary are just about tied but Trump won a bigger % of voters in a 3 person race than Hillary did in NY against a washed up old communist.

    Why is everyone so quick to overlook Trump’s lifetime achievements in so many areas – building, writing, entertainment and now politics – and toss him off as some lucky flash in the pan? Show me how YOU did more in any of those areas if you’re so sure he’s a lightweight.

    I find a realistic review of his accomplishments to be nothing short of amazing. And to think he’s raised 5 great kids while all that was going on.

    Dismiss Trump at your own peril – just like Jeb, Jindal, Fiorina, Graham, Rubio, Perry, Paul…

  12. It would be a real laugh to hear the GOPe, Cruz and all his fans howl like banshees when Paul Manafort buys up unbounded delegates like BOGO at a Target midsummer sidewalk sale.

    Trump’s gonna win and anyone in the GOP machine who digs in is going to miss the Trump train. Boo hoo hoo. Look for Rinse Pubis to start waffling and making nice (because he isn’t powerful enough to start his own thing). The Turtle’s, McStain’s and Romney’s Wikipedia pages will be updated to reflect their has-been status in the history of the party — “..back in the olden days..” A bunch of them will be lumped in with Boss Tweed and Tom Pendergast. And Phyllis Schlafly will still be the head of the Eagle Forum.

    Trump doesn’t have to be like Reagan. In 20 years people will be remembering Trump and his slogan and we who fight for him will be proud to have been a part of making it happen.

  13. @Pageoturner — We were writing our comments at the same time 🙂

    Thanks for yours! Can’t believe all these staunch “conservatives” here prefer a career pol over a successful American entrepreneur. Doesn’t seem all that conservative to me. Certainly not Ayn Randian.

  14. Enough Common Core math, already!

    Cruz is NOT mathematically eliminated yet, as there are 700+ delegates yet to be distributed. He will be by next week, however, if he has a bad day on Tuesday.

    My ultimate nightmare scenario is Trump falling short of the 1,237 required delegates by a few, or even a few dozen. I don’t trust those smarmy kingmakers in the GOPe, and fear that they will use any opportunity they can to screw Trump over.

  15. @GreetingFY — The GOPe screwing Trump any way they can is a clear given. There is way too much at stake for them and all their cronies on Wall Street, Chamber of Commerce, foreign corporations — all the entities Cruz’s fans have at one time or another said they hate. If Trump wins the gravy train will be replaced by the Trump train and all the scammers, decepticons, kick-backers, petty larcenists, pay-to-players, and you name the rest of the tax-payer blood-sucking do-nothings who have made the only game in town a public position and a pension will have to find someone else to screw.

  16. Seriously, some of you need to get a room with trump. If someone had predicted two years ago that so many people would be ticked off at Cruz and calling him everything in the book, after his stands for conservative values and pushing a former democrat who is known for shady deals, has been bankrupt 4 times? and was so liberal that he supported hillary, I would have told them to put the crack pipe down!! Bottom line, is that I do not and never will trust the donald, i will vote for him if I have to but I will also be the first one that says “I told you so” when he screws us and go back to the old trump.

  17. Usually I laugh at drunk posts but in JohnS’ case…what a ****ing idiot sore loser!

    BTW, don’t think for a moment that no one notices your blatant switch from “Lying Ted” supporter to “I don’t like any of the people running” gambit!”

  18. @brad, no but I hope this country doesn’t start crying if hillary is elected because so many hate trump. Why exactly are you so for this guy Brad? Do you really trust that he has changed? Are you following the statements he makes and listening with a non partisan ear? His stupid statements about Colorado alone should make you second guess him. We both know that both candidates have been aware of CO rules for 6 months and trump got out played.

  19. dapenguin ‘

    Honestly, I’m tired of explaining the bankruptcies. If you don’t get it, if you’ve never been in business, you never are going to get it. I’m tired of explaining why I feel he’s by far the best person we’ve had run for President since Reagan. Nobodies going to change their mind here anyway. But I’ll say this, Trump has a much better chance of beating Hillary than Cruz could ever hope for. Geraldo nailed it a couple days ago when he said Cruz pegs the meter on the creepy factor. And he will have that effect on a lot of voters whether you agree with that statement or not. It’s true.
    I really hope after this is settled every one can get back on the same team.

  20. @dapenguin — You are seriously misinformed about Trump. Shady deals? Name some. The bankruptcy claims have been hashed and rehashed — no there, there. If you support Cruz, then tell us why he’s better than Trump. That would be a first here. Trump supporters have said why Trump and why not Cruz. All I ever read here is why not Trump. I would love to hear someone defend Cruz’s Corker/TPA/TPP and illegal amnesty/H1B visa record. And why oh why has he sealed his personal records? Can you or anyone explain that?

    Please don’t let your best reason be that he memorized the constitution when he was 18. My daughter, when she was a mere three years old, memorized the entire Cat In The Hat. Precious.

  21. Cruz said Trump’s to blame for what happened in Chicago. If he can’t see it’s the left’s doing how’s he going to handle the presidency when he’s attacked by the left? I question his judgment.

  22. You know the funny thing about Trumps chapter 13s is Romney hits him hard on them. I wonder how many times Romney’s investment company took over a failing company and filed a chapter 13 to reorg it and save it. I bet he had more than Trump. They should mention how many jobs Trump saved by doing so.

  23. Ok so here it goes: What matters to me most are God,family Israel, ProLife and 2A. I think Cruz is going to represent my views on all of these better than trump. Is he perfect, no, Brad listed several concerns that I have about him as well so won’t defend them. But he does not threaten to sue everyone that disagrees with him, does not make inappropriate remarks about people, does not allow or incite, your choice here, his people to attack those that disagree, does not make up scandals that do not exist, like Colorado, is not a new conservative, did not make the moral choices that trump did and does not sound like and act like a NY crime boss. As for the bankruptcies, 4 times is a bit much don’t you think and you and I both know that the little guy is the one that got hurt when he bailed and did not pay his obligations. And if you are going to quote geraldo and proof that you are right, you want really want to ask yourself if you are. Also, with all the crap that trump and his trumpeters have thrown out across the conservative blogosphere, I seriously doubt that the trump and anti trump people will be able to be back on the same team. If Trump is elected prez, we both know who will give him hell for however long is is there. Trump has made no friends and attacked those that could have been.

  24. So, after April 26th, when Trump cannot possibly win 1,237, he should pull out of the race too?

    To the idiots calling Cruz a “spoiler” because he can’t get the 1,237, your a bunch of fracking idiots!

    Trump has “exposed” the system, and the GOP is on it’s deathbed thanks to that, but was it worth the cost? His destruction of the GOP and the RNC may be good in the long run, but the short term consequence is another President Clinton.

    Maybe BFH should start a contest on what we call the second Clinton regime. Bush II is known as “W”, what should Clinton II be known as?

  25. O.K. I’m gonna take a shot at the Bankruptcies one more time. First let me say that if you are under the opinion that you can file any type of bankruptcy and march away with out getting your creditors some sort of satisfaction THAT’S NOT THE WAY IT WORKS. Worst possible case the assets are sold to satisfy as much debt as possible. But that’s not what Trump was doing.
    Trump Inc. is constantly on the look out for under performing companies that are about to tank. If they review the company and it looks like it should be profitable the buy it. REALLY FUCKING CHEAP. If the company is on the brink they occasionally had to file some sort of reorganization bankruptcy where the court allows them to put different corporate officers in place and the court oversees the management of the pre existing debt. That debt still payed. So Trump inc saves the failing corporation, save the jobs, and the vendors end up getting paid. And then Trump sold the salvaged company FOR A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY.

    How is this a bad thing?

    I’m not an attorney, and I didn’t sleep in a Holiday Inn last night, so if there is an attorney that contributes here, that’s not afraid to admit that they’re an attorney, please chime in.

  26. “God,family Israel, ProLife and 2A”

    I don’t need my Presidents help with God.

    I do need Trumps help with the economy so I can continue to provide for my family, and believe me he can fix the economy like no other. And the economy is front and center with me. Trump gets it.

    ProLife is a states issue.

    2A you bet your ass, and Trumps come out strong on 2A. Does Cruz carry? NO.

  27. @brad, I do not need his help with God either, but I would prefer a president that has a strong belief in God. But let’s talk about Israel for a minute.. All the major Pro Israel sites are shall we say, not trump fans. As for 2A, I have no doubt where Cruz stands on that one. Oh and about the economy, everything that I am reading points to trump adding to our deficit and he has not come out against obamacare either I don’t believe, nor has he spoken out in favor of the NC law. Keeping sick perverts away from my daughter is also a yuuuuge deal for me.

  28. It has become clear to me that Trump supporters are more interested in destroying the GOP/RNC than they are about issues that matter. They are damned and determined to vote for a “Fuck You” candidate than they are about policy.

    What’s up with that?

  29. Explain how Ted Cruz was bullied by Hannity on his interview into admitting to the back room underhanded dealings at the GOP convention ….Cruz kissing up delegates to steal them away… this is fucking bullshit…and you people who think Cruz is a saint are beyond help….grow up!. Ted Cruz (and i am a Texas voter) is a POS…

  30. @dapenguin —

    I just deleted a response to your earlier comment that started with the things you think are important.

    I deleted it even though I was about a third of the way through — and it was really long, too. I deleted it because I don’t think you or anyone who is in the tank for Cruz cares enough about this election to really know the facts of the candidates. You and others here talk endlessly about Trump supporters being too much behind Trump — and you say it in a way that suggests we don’t know our candidate. I, for one — but probably among many — have heard every single stump speech and most of the interviews Trump has made/done. I’ve listened to every piece of video, past and present, that is available online. I haven’t read all his books, but some of them. Because of this, when I rebut arguments against Trump, I think I can do that with integrity and knowledge as well as understanding and insight to context. Though Trump likes to inject a certain level of unpredictability into his approach, there is a base of personal characteristics that are unchanging about him.

    It is obvious to me you know almost nothing about Trump except for what his detractors in the media have said about him. There’s no use trying to tell someone who is content to listen to the MSM and believe what they say.

    I also know at least as much about Ted Cruz. Initially Cruz was my #1 candidate. That’s why I’m behind Trump.

  31. Dapunguin,

    All the major Jewish sites? How do the majority of the Jews vote in the US? Democrat, every time.
    Everyone you are reading about the economy is a Globalist that benefits from the CofC and the stock market. Not many nationalist left. I’ve been in manufacturing since Christ was a kid. I watched our federal government March all that work and wealth off shore. And before anybody mentions the evil CTH I knew this before they did. AA, Chief, Plane Jane and I watched it happen. That’s why we are so Pro Trump.

  32. @BB — OMGosh! Don’t talk about CTH!!! /s

    Yes, wouldn’t you much rather be spoon fed Grade A Acrimony, lies and baseless gossip from PAC-supported Cruz #NeverTrump media outlets? Talk about your confirmation bias. There is a yuge lack of intellectual honesty among Conservative Inc.

    I’m cute but slow sometimes. It’s taken me much longer than usual to understand that people like Menderman are genuinely worried that the GOP racket will be harmed by Trump. You could knock me over with a feather. I’m too stupid to live!

  33. Abigail, when Trump wins the nomination, will you turn your lies, prevarications, complete fabricated bullshit and propaganda towards Hillary or will your work here be done?

    Anyone who believes the crap you vomit here daily is a goddamn ignorant fool.

  34. You know everybody needs a code. Mine pretty much follows that old John Wayne code. Except a couple more. One of them is I’ll never say anything online or behind any bodies back that I wouldn’t have the courage to say right to their face.
    Loco you should try it. You’ll feel better about your miserable ass and won’t need to drink so much.

  35. menderman — You don’t know? That’s not even funny. You never bought into the whole uniparty, then? You think the GOP are the good guys? Is that what you’re saying? Because up above in this thread you just admitted that you were worried about what Trump would do to it. I’m convinced Cruz supporters are either always drunk or always high. You’ve convinced me.

    I’m not going to get into a protracted head game with you. I don’t get my jollies from that.

    I’m out for the day.

  36. Loco, let’s review, I would never say anything on line or behind someone’s back that I would not have the courage to say to their face.
    So your last comment was all bull shit, do you want to give it another shot?
    Yea your a Cruz supporter. Can’t focus on the issues and full of shit.

  37. No, I don’t believe in the “uni-party” thing. or the “NWO” thing, or the “North America Union” thing. Alex Jones is an idiot. Chem trails aren’t a conspiracy and GWB did not rig the twin towers with thermolitic cock roaches to get billions from the bin-Laden family only to forget to plant fake WMD’s in a freaking desert. Run away if you wish. It just seems to me that you have no answer.

  38. Hey Never Gopey, Bernie lost in a land slide to Hillary in NY, did you see that? Bernie got 50% more votes than Trump, the great unifier. Hillary got about a million more than Trump did in his own home state.. Is that your path to beat Hillary? Really?

  39. Menderman — Then, with all due respect, you are either a card-carrying party member or foolish. The two are not mutually exclusive, however. I’m glad we’re finally getting down to brass tacks. Yours is essential information.

  40. I don’t enjoy this crap. There’s a couple people here that I swear are being paid by the GOP and they’ve been doing a pretty good job of blowing up any type of constructive dialogue.

    Dapenguin, I tried to answer your questions to the best of my ability. Please realize there are subversive people here that don’t want the calm reasoned dialogue. And unfortunately a lot of us Trump supporters are stupid enough to get sucked in. Especially me. Let me know if you got anything out of the Bankruptcy discussion. That’s important. I’m out.

  41. Did I disparage anyone with my question? Did I mock a name directed towards anyone? The question wasn’t answered.
    Ted Cruz didn’t win a single county in Fla Va & NY.
    How the hell could he win a general?

  42. Hell, not because of this thread, but because of The Donald campaign, and I never thought I would get here, but I am now #NeverTrump. I will sit at home on election day. You people are crazy.

  43. Sure AA, give me a link, but do you know an answer to my question, or do you have to go look it up? I know Trump’s written issues, I have read them and listened to his words…they often conflict.

    On the core issues, I know what my candidate stands for, and you don’t.

    Do you agree with Trump on his tax plan? You don’t even know what is is, do you?

  44. Meerkat — Your outrage would be touching if it was genuine. You’ve been in the tank for Cruz since forever. You defended the Gang of 22. Stay home, then. You’re Exhibit A of faux conservatism.

  45. Menderman you idiot, yes she does, do you? It’s the one Art Laffer commented on. “Wow, we might have a little Reagan going on here”. Want me to link that for your dumb ass? What’s the last federal institution you can name that’s been eliminated? DooDoo Doo Doo (that was suppose to be Jeoordy). You can’t. It doesn’t happen. All praise the second coming of Christ, Ted Butt Ugly Cruz. You people are hypnotized.

  46. Typical Trump falsehoods: “You defended the Gang of 22”. Really? when? Prove it.

    “You’ve been in the tank for Cruz since forever.”

    Yes I have and proud of it. I believe his word and record more than Trump.

    Even before Cruz was running I sent him $$$. Because I have no say here a liberal NJ.

  47. Let me ask you Trumpsters this, what year did Trump become a republican?

    Trump donated to the people that took away my health insurance back when he was for single payer. Trump supported Obamacare. Trump “was” extremely pro-choice. Trump was for gun control. Trump has no core values.

    But, hey, like Brad says, at least Trump ain’t no lawyer! He just hires them, and loves them, but he ain’t one!

  48. “Let me ask you Trumpsters this, what year did Trump become a republican?”
    Doesn’t matter
    “Trump donated to the people that took away my health insurance back when he was for single payer.”
    The people that took away your health insurance are the asshats that you are voting for!
    “Trump supported Obamacare.”
    He’s for repealing ObamaCare
    ” Trump “was” extremely pro-choice.”
    Not any more – epiphany quite an amazing story.
    “Trump was for gun control.”
    Trump is pro 2nd Amendment – more than Cruz. (see video)
    “Trump has no core values.”
    If you say so.

  49. @Abigail, “Meerkat — :Your outrage would be touching if it was genuine.”

    Oh baby, it’s genuine. This is the type of crap that you people do. Good luck precious.

  50. Repatriatation of a Bazillion dollars off shore. He came up with it, Bush copied it and tried to call it his own, and Cruz was as usual real late to the game. His cooperate tax rates. His simpilized filing. Huge reduction in tax liability.

  51. #NeverGOPInc
    April 21, 2016 at 12:25 am
    “Let me ask you Trumpsters this, what year did Trump become a republican?”
    What’s a Republican?

    This deserves an answer.

  52. Repatriation? That’s all you got? bwahahahahahahahahaah!

    Flat tax, no loopholes, and congress loses most of its power.

    What are Trump’s tax rates for his ___ different brackets?

    (just name how many brackets he recommends and I’ll declare you the winner.)

  53. “Ted Cruz is not core GOP, ”

    Ah, actually if you believe that you haven’t done your home work and you just might be the fucking idiot. Hint, check the money trail. Not that tough.

  54. @AA, you can accuse me of lots of things, but I will not let me accuse me of listening to MSM. I listen to zero news channels since fox became the voice of trump. By the way, what do you think Mr Breitbart had to say about your hero?

    So I suppose you will now think Andrew was a sellout to the GOP as well? And to both you and brad and your team of trumpets I really want to know when you turned on Cruz? I swear you used to love him back when he was the only one with the cajones to stand up to the GOPE. Now you accuse him of being part of it. Menderman has asked you a series of questions that you have not answered. Prolly because you can’t since donald hasn’t actually said anything but rhetoric and attack those that disagree that he should now be king.

  55. Fuck you Menderman. Don’t even discuss Breitbart. He’d be as disappointed in a self proclaimed conservative as I am. You’re no conservative. Your candidate is Hillary. You two have a lot in common actually. No spine and very little between the ears. Breitbart belongs to us conservatives, not guys like you orvthatcweak sister Loco.

  56. @never, you mean an egotistical gasbag that totally changed his mind on almost every major issue to run for president and spends way too much time attacking reporters that dare ask him questions and hallucinates that all the rules are stacked against him except when he benefits from them and then he remains silent? Is that what you claim to be?

  57. That’s a cute little pic of Trumps current “positions”. Wanna see a resume`?

    Here are some facts about Cruz:

    Graduated valedictorian in 1988 from Second Baptist High School

    Graduated cum laude from Princeton University in 1992

    Graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1995

    1992 U.S. National Debate Champion representing Princeton

    1995 World Debating Championship semi-finalist representing Harvard

    Served a law clerk to Chief Justice William Rehnquist, making him the first Hispanic ever to clerk for a Chief Justice of the United States

    Served as Solicitor General of Texas from 2003 to 2008, making him the first Hispanic Solicitor General in Texas, the youngest Solicitor General in the entire country and the longest tenure in Texas history

    Partner at the law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national appellate litigation practice

    Authored over 80 SCOTUS briefs and presented over 40 oral arguments before The Court

    In the landmark case of District of Columbia v. Heller, Cruz assembled a coalition of 31 states in defense of the principle that the 2nd Amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms

    Presented oral arguments before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit

    Defended the Ten Commandments monument on the Texas State Capitol grounds,

    Defended the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools

    Defended the State of Texas against an attempt by the International Court of Justice to re-open the criminal convictions of 51 murderers on death row throughout the United States

    Director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission

    Domestic Policy Advisor to U.S. President George W. Bush on the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign

    Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, where he taught U.S. Supreme Court litigation

    Ted Cruz is currently junior US Senator from Texas, defeating Texas Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst who was heavily favored and backed by the DC old-guard GOP

    Defeated Democrat Paul Sadler in the general election

    Endorsed by The Tea Party and the Republican Liberty Caucus

    AWARDS: “America’s Leading Lawyers for Business,” Chambers USA (2009 & 2010) “50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America,” National Law Journal (2008) “25 Greatest Texas Lawyers of the Past Quarter Century,” Texas Lawyer (2010) “20 Young Hispanic Americans on the Rise,” Newsweek (1999) Traphagen Distinguished Alumnus, Harvard Law School

    On November 14, 2012, Cruz was appointed vice-chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee

    Unlike Obama, Cruz didn’t sit in the U.S. Senate and vote “present.” He has sponsored 97 bills. Here are a few crucial pieces of legislation sponsored by Cruz:

    ObamaCare Repeal Act

    Prohibit use of drones from killing citizens of the United States within the United States

    Disarm Criminals and Protect Communities Act

    Firearm Straw Purchasing and Trafficking Prevention Act

    Defund Obamacare Act of 2013

    A bill to amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to permit States to require proof of citizenship for registration to vote in elections for Federal office

    A bill to designate the United States courthouse located at 101 East Pecan Street in Sherman, Texas, as the Paul Brown United States Courthouse

    A bill to require the Secretary of State to offer rewards of up to $5,000,000 for information regarding the attacks on the United States diplomatic mission at Benghazi, Libya that began on September 11, 2012

    State Marriage Defense Act of 2014

    A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the intentional discrimination of a person or organization by an employee of the Internal Revenue Service

    A bill to prohibit the Department of the Treasury from assigning tax statuses to organizations based on their political beliefs and activities

    American Energy Renaissance Act of 2014

    A bill to deny admission to the United States to any representative to the United Nations who has been found to have been engaged in espionage activities or a terrorist activity against the United States and poses a threat to United States national security interests

    SuperPAC Elimination Act of 2014

    Free All Speech Act of 2014

    Guantanamo Bay Detainee Transfer Suspension Act of 2014

    A bill to require the Secretary of State to offer rewards totaling up to $5,000,000 for information on the kidnapping and murder of Naftali Fraenkel, a dual United States-Israeli citizen, that began on June 12, 2014

    A bill to prevent the expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program unlawfully created by Executive memorandum on August 15, 2012

    Sanction Iran, Safeguard America Act of 2014

    Expatriate Terrorists Act

    Operation United Assistance Tax Exclusion Act of 2014

  58. Yes, Never Go Pink, I know the GOP/RNC are corrupt, but a smart man that knows how to make great deals should also know how and when to blow them up. Trump is either ignorant or on the other side. The brilliant “conservative” Trump would have waited until after he was elected to destroy the GOP, but he didn’t. Why?

  59. I’m hoping Trump holds office for 8 years. And I hope durring that entire 8 year period Menderman stays barricaded in the back of his house waiting for Trump to knock on his door to confiscate his property.

  60. Oh, and Brad, sorry, I almost forgot to respond to you sexual advance. I am over here, at the edge of the Atlantic, bent over with a tube of KY jelly. I can’t wait!

    Can I fuck you too? I’ll bring some hot fudge!

  61. @Never Go Pink,

    Hillary is more honest that Trump. She has never switched parties. Also, Hillary has never donated money to get Trump elected.

    It will be a curious thing at the debates when the issue comes up though. How will Hillary explain taking Trumps donations and how will Trump explain them?

  62. #NeverGOPInc: “Have fun cheering on Hillary over Trump.
    Do you want to be smart or right?”

    You’re a leftist, infiltrating our discussions, aren’t you? You are like a rubber band all over the place.

  63. @never, yes but only over the dems. No one here said they would not support trumpney in the general, but that does not mean he has to get that far. We have a historic opportunity to elect a real leader and we are shooting ourselves in the foot. Trump is not the one I would trust to be that leader. obama and trump have way too many similarities and that frankly scares me. both want power and both have huge egos. Is that really what we want to have as the qualities of our POTUS. Bush 43 brought dignity back to the Whitehouse, say what you want about his policies, but he respected the office and was humbled to be our leader. To this day, he is still doing tons of charity and events to help veterans and visits many in hospitals, a man with Class. I will always remember trump as the guy that went after Rosie and said , something like this ( be careful Rosie cause you have a cute girlfriend and I will send one of my lesbians friends out to take her away from you). Sorry but that is not the kind of class I want in the Whitehouse.

  64. @ NeverGOPOnc – You asked “Go away? Why?”

    Because you and many other Trump supporters are adding nothing to a cogent, reasonable conversation. You’re a virtual sandwich board for Go Trump and have shown no desire to actually engage reasonably with people whose opinions of Trump are not completely, glowingly positive. You guys truly seem to believe that by insulting the integrity and destroying the reputation of anyone that is not completely pro Trump is the way to win an election. You are doing a lot more harm to your cause than good whether you realize it or not.

  65. “You’re a leftist, infiltrating our discussions, aren’t you?”

    ??? I’m for Trump as are others on this discussion.
    Now I’m a leftist? LOL
    Let’s see who’s the Lefty here:
    Do you believe Hillary is more honest than Trump?

  66. Bad_Brad! You lie!

    I have screamed from the hill tops that I would NEVER vote for Hillary! I have said I would vote for a dead fern over Trump (bernie) but I would never vote for the bitch! It was you that equated my non-vote as a vote for her. Get it right!

  67. @never, I am from Arkansas and know far more about the clintons that probably anyone here and helped defeat billy bob once and I can tell you there is no one less trustworthy than shillary and that includes bill. Bill got elected gov because the state of Ark was not ready for a female, but we all knew who ran the state. But I would not trust trump to sell me a used car either. I just hate to have to vote between the lesser of two weasels.

  68. “Because you and many other Trump supporters are adding nothing to a cogent, reasonable conversation.”

    Look at this discussion. I’ve done nothing but added cogent, reasonable conversation.

    “You’re a virtual sandwich board for Go Trump and have shown no desire to actually engage reasonably with people whose opinions of Trump are not completely, glowingly positive.”

    Look at all my posts. I’ve engaged more than reasonably with people. I never mocked anyone or disparaged anyone.

    “You guys truly seem to believe that by insulting the integrity and destroying the reputation of anyone that is not completely pro Trump is the way to win an election.”

    PLEASE COPY, PASTE, POST an EXAMPLE of a comment I made that demonstrates what you are accusing me of.

    “You are doing a lot more harm to your cause than good whether you realize it or not.”

    How? Please COPY, PASTE POST an example – thank you.

  69. @dapenguin
    Killary is the tried and true POS. Trump – you’re just speculating. I think you just have a problem with his personality. Understandable but not comparable to Killary.

  70. Bad Brad, After hearing Trump’s surrogates on Hannity last night, yes, now it’s #NeverTrump. He was such a fucking asshole and totally defending Trump against non-issues that supposedly Cruz is doing. It’s not lyin’ Ted, the problem is Dubious Donald.

  71. @ never, I can agree to that, but you are right, he scares the crap out of me, I just expect him to turn back to who he was. Everytime some leader get cult like status it worries me, I prefer them just a bit humble. hillary would run her grandmother over to get the nom and bern is a moron socalist commie but donald still wants this a bit too much and I fear we will happily take everything down with him if he does not win the nom. I will remain leery of him but will vote for him if the choice is him or hill or him or bernie.

  72. Agreed Meerkat. Trump plans to lose. He is simply tapping into the anger. Anger doesn’t win, it destroys things. He can’t win without Cruz people, yet his agenda is to drive them away. One must wonder what his true agenda is.

  73. @never, the question is “at what price” Ted is not trying to tear the GOP apart (yes I know it needs thinning out but not torn down completely). How do you explain the whining about Colorado? You are an intelligent person and you know that both candidates knew the rules for Colorado. Why did he choose to incite rather than accept that he was beaten?

  74. “How do you explain the whining about Colorado?”
    Let’s reverse the scenario:
    If Ted Cruz lead with Trump’s delegates. And Trump was behind with Cruz’s count.
    And Trump got delegates through wheeling and dealing “according to the rules”. And Cruz was getting delegates through the voter majority – you know in your heart of hearts – Cruz people would be “whining” about Trump’s methods of trying to win.
    Let’s get back to reality – if Trump is 100 delegates short and gains them by Cruz’s methods (offering perks for delegates which he can EASILY DO more than any other candidate but so far refuses to) are you going to “whine”?
    Trump is correct about the system. It is to the advantage of the PARTY BOSSES and not the people’s choice.

  75. Cruz is not calling Trump supporters idiots, and Cruz is NOT trying to bring in liberals to vote for him. Trump himself, and you Mr Never Go Pink, say Trump will win by getting those votes. Cruz plans to win the conservative vote and the issues based vote. I prefer Ted’s plan over Donald’s.

  76. @Brad – Calling people names just because they may not agree with you is the real chicken shit around here. I can be insulted just as well as anonynamous as by any other name.

    @NeverGOPInc – You asked for an example from this thread of your insults toward anyone that isn’t completely pro Trump – here ya go from your first post in this thread:

    “Trump will CRUSH Hillary in the General Election despite all the assholes we have on “our side” saying otherwise just to get their guy in.”

    So anyone that isn’t completely on Trump’s side and seeing him elected as the nominee is an asshole. No, that’s not insulting in the least is it?

    That’s what really worries me about most of the Trump supporters posting here. Anyone who doesn’t agree with you 100% is an ignorant, stupid asshole who doesn’t really understand all of the wonderful things that Trump says he is and will do once elected (regardless of his actual history that leaves a lot of room for valid questions).

    It is usually the left that projects such venom onto people that might disagree with them. Have the Trump supporters become full blown leftists? I would say so based on what has been posted in various threads on this site over the last couple of months.

  77. Mendermen. How soon you have forgot the men that killary let die. There are not many that lie more than her, Trump is not one of them. All of you Cruz supporters keep saying that we who support Trump will never vote for him is bs the most strident Trump people here have all said we will vote for him, AA,BB. Czar, Mr.Pinko, and many more, you ass hats on the Cruz side want to blow it up and you will. Go a head don’t vote for Trump but don’t be bitching about how bad it is when killary is in charge. Yea that Trump he’s a real loser thank god for killary, and we helped.

  78. Trump has excited the voting public. There are more “Republicans” involved in this process than any time in history.
    Trump has single-handedly GROWN the Republican party.
    He should be appreciated. His message is SELF-LESS “Make America Great Again”.
    Ted Cruz message “TrusTed” – about him, not America. Ted’s NEW meme “Yes we will” Honestly, is that original? Ripped off from Obama. HORRIBLE MESSAGING.

  79. so let’s posit this for a sec. What if Harry Reid became a “conservative” and wanted to run on the repub ticket. Would we be wrong to doubt his motives? That is how we are going to feel about anyone that changes parties right before it it time to run for office. I will continue to question trump until he proves me wrong.

  80. @never, I do not know how new to all of this that you are but I have to tell you that I have visited lots of sites in the last few months and one every one of them, the trumpets are blasting all those that disagree with them and lots of swearing and name calling and etc. I have seen a lot less from the Cruz side. Trumps appears to be getting a log of thug type characters that just want to blow stuff up. As you have already heard from others, this is not the way to win your case.

  81. @dapenguin
    We’ve got Conservatives that promised us they would DEFUND ObamaCare. We elected them. What did they do? FULLY FUNDED OBAMA! Everything – FUNDED.
    I’ll take the non-politician’s promises this time (because the GOP fucked up), TRUMP, to BUILD a WALL (his SIGNATURE PROMISE), enforce immigration laws, FAIR TRADE, etc… Trump has America FIRST on his agenda.
    Politicians (and yes I’m lumping Cruz in there) make promises they can’t keep (abolish the IRS? You really think that’s going to happen?)
    If Trump gets 20% of his promises done – he will have done MORE than Republicans have done in DECADES!
    I’m willing to take that chance. If Trump fails – you vote him the hell out in 4 years.

  82. and on your team are drudge and hannity and little annie and on our team we have David Limbaugh, Daniel Pipes, Mark Levin Do you really want to ignore these men? Daniel Pipes knows the Middle East better than anyone and he is seriously worried about what trump will do to the Middle East. Perhaps you should listen to him?

  83. @Geoff C. the Saltine,

    How many did Hillary let die? 4. Four that we know of. Sean Smith, Glen Daughrety, Tyrone Woods and Chris Stephens. Pardon any typos, but that is from memory. Let me ask you this, how many people have the democrat party killed? The likes of Reid, Pelosi, Clinton, Schumer, Weiner, Wrangle and many more. How many have they killed? Would you be a proud person to say you helped them get in in charge of the VA? Trump did. He boasts about donating to them so he could get rich. Has he apologized yet? No, he hasn’t. How many died waiting in line at the VA? Trump spent many, many years donating to liberals so he could get rich never thinking about whose live he was destroying and you want to call out Hillary for a measly 4 deaths?

    My question is, How many people has Trump killed to pay for his private plane?

  84. @NeverGOPInc – you don’t seem to understand that you and those who arrogantly assume that anyone that supports Cruz at this point in the PRIMARIES are evil assholes that are just too stupid to understand Trump’s pure heart (vomit) and aren’t worthy of worshiping at the alter of TRUMP. That really is the way that a lot of the stuff posted here comes off. I (and I’m sure many others) don’t support Hillary in the least.

    But if you get called stupid, ignorant, a know nothing Cruz-bot, a member of the uni-party, etc., at some point you have to ask yourself why you would vote for someone whose supporters believe that only they are anointed with the wisdom to determine through insults and intimidation who everyone else should vote for, even in the primary season.

    Scorched earth is not a wise decision during primaries.

  85. “the trumpets are blasting all those that disagree with them and lots of swearing and name calling and etc.”

    I agree – the civil war sucks. Both sides are doing it. I have NOT PERSONALLY ATTACKED anyone in this thread – including my “asshole” remark which was NOT DIRECTED at any ONE PERSON in the discussion here.
    But I’ve been personally attacked here.
    I don’t give a shit.
    After Trump gets nominated, most cooler heads will prevail once they see Hillary and Trump go toe to toe and realize what we’re up against.
    Trump will surprise you. 😉
    Make America Great Again – what a fantastic message of love for our country.

  86. “But if you get called stupid, ignorant, a know nothing Cruz-bot, a member of the uni-party, etc., at some point you have to ask yourself why you would vote for someone whose supporters believe that only they are anointed with the wisdom to determine through insults and intimidation who everyone else should vote for, even in the primary season.”

    Don’t you think it works both ways?

  87. “and on your team are drudge and hannity and little annie and on our team we have David Limbaugh, Daniel Pipes, Mark Levin Do you really want to ignore these men? Daniel Pipes knows the Middle East better than anyone and he is seriously worried about what trump will do to the Middle East. Perhaps you should listen to him?”

    Trump endorsers:
    Senator Jeff Sessions, Rudy Giuliani, Sheriff Joe Arpiao, Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Jerry Falwell Jr, Pam Bondi, Rick Scott, etc… etc… etc….

  88. @NeverGOP – not on this site. After a lot of name calling and insults, some Cruz people have succumbed to insulting some Trump supporters at times, but it is relatively rare compared to the opposite.

    That being said, I have saved a good many posts from Trump supporters denigrating all Cruz supporters in the worst ways without any provocation. My best estimate is that it is about 8 to 1 with Trump supporters wantonly insulting anyone that isn’t 100% glowing in their comments on Trump. So no, it really doesn’t go both ways in any fair comparison.

    Look, no one is perfect and most of us will have to vote for someone even if we have to hold our nose to do it. But it is a lot harder to vote for someone whose supporters have brazenly insulted you personally as if you were completely stupid because you didn’t unquestioningly support their candidate initially. Although I wasn’t a never Trump type, the way many of you are acting, I could easily become one.

  89. ” Although I wasn’t a never Trump type, the way many of you are acting, I could easily become one.”

    Really? Anonymous people have so much influence over your decision?

  90. @Never – you prove my point. AFTER several insults by Trump supporters (not you specifically). Meerkat succumbed to the temptation to lash out. Meerkat probably wouldn’t have said such under normal circumstances, but after a lot of prodding from Trump supporters, he succumbed to the insults and got down in the gutter with the other Trump supporters.

  91. @Never – no. People on the internet (who may have any number of personality disorders, may be delusional, may be psychotic, etc.) don’t have the slightest influence over what I think. I try to look out for others though who may not be as aware as I am that there are a lot of people on the internet that don’t have the slightest clue as to what they are talking about, i only do so in case these somewhat naive and trusting people might be swayed by seemingly connected and worldly people on the web that really don’t understand what they are doing.

  92. A comment worth repeating:
    April 20, 2016 at 7:40 pm

    I give Trump more credit for being a lot smarter than the dullard politicians he’s been pitted against and for hiring the best of the best to keep up with him.

    Even Fox – not a drum beater for Trump – says he’ll come within 68 votes of the 1237 and from there will make a deal for the 150 delegates who are unbound before the first vote.

    Trump has wiped the floor with all the pundits, prognosticators and so-called campaign strategists. Romney didn’t have the nomination wrapped up until June but he didn’t have $100 million in negative ads attacking him from his own party.

    As for the negatives – Trump and Hillary are just about tied but Trump won a bigger % of voters in a 3 person race than Hillary did in NY against a washed up old communist.

    Why is everyone so quick to overlook Trump’s lifetime achievements in so many areas – building, writing, entertainment and now politics – and toss him off as some lucky flash in the pan? Show me how YOU did more in any of those areas if you’re so sure he’s a lightweight.

    I find a realistic review of his accomplishments to be nothing short of amazing. And to think he’s raised 5 great kids while all that was going on.

    Dismiss Trump at your own peril – just like Jeb, Jindal, Fiorina, Graham, Rubio, Perry, Paul…

  93. TO dapenguin

    I know very well how much some people hate Trump; I get their vitriol daily and have now been banned from more sites than I can count. For all of Trump’s own words/bluster, coming directly from him to the opponents, it is dwarfed by the intolerance and violence directed at us – his supporters.

    That Trump is “new to the conservative side” is A) wrong and B) misleading. Many of his words and actions over the last decades have been quite conservative. Furthermore, the word/concept “conservative” has been rendered virtually meaningless by the scum of the GOP Establishment.

    While there may be a handful of sincere, thoughtful Conservatives who are “more than a little leery to support” Trump, the vast majority banging the anti-Trump drum on this note are merely beneficiaries of the Establishment Machine of the Right, afraid of losing their place at the feeding ($) slop. Though months ago I was leery of the attacks on the term “conservative” but, over the past few months, it has become all too clear to me that the term is (ab)used by the GOP as nothing more than bait.

    Oh, yes: I certainly HAVE noticed “that Cruz has won most of the Red States”…and little more than that: Cruz has LESS THAN ZERO of the crossover appeal to win in a General election. Your assumption that “[t]he Blue ones are not going to vote republican anyway” is garbage. Forgetting how Reagan swept 49 States?! You’re making the mistake of thinking that Trump is like all the other previous (in the last 30 years) smarmy, political operative candidates…OF COURSE they turned off other (non-Republican) American voters! Not Trump: see the makeup of the crowds at his rallies. You make exactly this mistake when you claim he won’t win NY in November.

    On the ethics of politics (I know, sounds like mutually exclusive terms!), we disagree. Just because one CAN do something does not mean that one should. This applies as well to Cruz decrying a brokered convention while playing the spoiler…Cruz is an expert saying one thing while doing another, and at plausible deniability.

    You want to talk about delusions? Keep on thinking that Cruz is a “true, principled conservative Christian.” He’s just another smarmy, over-ambitious politician. And I’VE had enough of them, especially when presented with the option of Donald Trump.

  94. I’ve learned something here today that embarrasses me. IOTWr’s editorial policy regarding this presidential race is now clear: This blog is a front for pro-political status quo. From Big Fur Hat to MJA to commenters like JohnS, it is simply another form, an Eric Erickson “light” version, of anti-“We The People.”

    Though there has certainly been heaps of evidence to support this conclusion, the final piece was made clear with Menderman’s defense of the GOP; his assertion that there is no uniparty, that the GOP is different or somehow outside the corrupt circle of the D.C. beltway. Menderman will say those are not his words, but there is no mistaking what he said and, more importantly, what he meant.

    You who now defend the GOP’s ongoing involvement with the Ted Cruz for President campaign are complicit in the destruction of this nation. Whether you acknowledge it publicly or privately, the GOP has demonstrated for decades that it is just as corrupt, just as insular as the Democrat party; in the end it seeks the same outcomes — that it retain power for those at its core with no concern for the freedoms, liberties and protection of those whom it pretends to represent. You aid and abet the same people, the same institutions to whom you are tax slaves and the cause of America’s demise. You share their ideologies and methods in helping them retain their unjust power.

    It is unambiguous.

  95. TO AA

    Re: GOP/UniParty
    To maintain the continuity of thought of Cruz as an “outsider” and a “true conservative,” it is necessary for Cruz supporters to deny Cruz’s actions (not words) of collaboration with the GOP Establishment.

    To acknowledge such would inevitably bring down the image Cruz has sold to the Right of himself. Hence the vehement, near-violent vitriol of Cruz supporters towards Trump supporters; it’s just a defense mechanism. And hence the cognitive dissonance.

  96. To Czar: “’s just a defense mechanism.”

    I would go further than that. It is not *just* a defense mechanism, it is plain evidence that anyone here who believes Ted Cruz is outside or above or uncontrolled by the GOP and all that it represents, is deluded or, more likely, they are complicit in the aims of the GOP — to retain their control over the American people, their vote, their voices, their lives. This, too, is the aim of the Democrat party. There is no difference between them. It does not matter if the antidote to Party rule of this country is Donald Trump, the response from those who believe in the Republican party would be the same. They are detestable and can be compared to Kapos.

  97. AA the situation has nothing to do with the editorial position of this site.
    Otherwise it wouldn’t allow the name calling and personal threats made against people here that bring up anything other than how well trump’s butt smells.
    Also, your drum circle posts that nobody reads but you all gush over without discussing any real issues would get deleted. Most sites delete that kind of poofery anyway as clutter.

    So, go back to complaining about how the system is rigged in favor of those who understand the rules and are competent.

  98. JohnS…you’re a double standard piece of shit! YOU personally started with the personal attacks with your name calling vitriol on Trump supporters. Now when self defense is levered upon you it becomes wrong???

    I made my stand some time back that I won’t engage kindly with you and your kind ANYMORE! But rather I will respond in the only language you understand!

    You’ve already shown your true colors by being a Cruz supporter ONLY until he starts losing then claiming you don’t support any candidates as I’ve mention earlier!

    In your same vitriol…FUCK OFF!!!

  99. So, Ted is evil and a part of the uni-party because he is “working” with the GOP to become the GOP nominee?

    Trump, on the other hand is genius for setting out to destroy the GOP to become the GOP nominee?

    I’m beginning to believe that those chemtrails are actually mind control drugs.

  100. How can anyone support a so-called “Constitutional Conservative” who believes political opponents and their supporters should not have 1st amendment rights; that disenfranchising voters is OK so long as some political boss in a back room approved it and that accused men (Lewandowsky) are guilty and should be deprived of their livelihood upon accusation and without trial no matter how dubious the circumstances?

    These are all Cruz positions of the last month.

    I used to be a Cruz admirer but see through him now. “By their acts ye shall know them” – sound familiar, Ted?

  101. JohnS, Menderman — I’ll make it a lot simpler for you: You guys and others who defend Cruz’s Party ties, his actions, are just GOP slaves who are inextricably and indefensibly lashed to the GOP party. You’ll say and do anything to defend and protect it. You’re undoubtedly very small fish. You are party kapos. It’s why you write the things you write. Just like obama, if cruz, with the help of the Party bosses his campaign met with behind closed doors yesterday in Florida, wrests the election away from the voters, it’s the end of this country.

    Tools and fools. That’s what you are.

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