Cruz On the Sadness Of the Forthcoming Hillary Indictment Predicated on Partisan Politics – IOTW Report

Cruz On the Sadness Of the Forthcoming Hillary Indictment Predicated on Partisan Politics

24 Comments on Cruz On the Sadness Of the Forthcoming Hillary Indictment Predicated on Partisan Politics

  1. So I link a breaking news article on how Cruz has been caught cheating again and you reply with THAT? I can see now why you work for that campaign. Your the right guy for the job.

  2. The DNC is on the verge of some very lose-lose scenarios. If she becomes the nominee and a is charged, let alone convicted, over the email issue, they are screwed. And they know it. Hard, and huge, decisions need to be made. If she is not charged, but only because of a DOJ decision, not becuase of FBI report, the DNC is also screwed.

    God, I love this.

  3. Viet Vet — I know you aren’t equating a campaign creating an entire phony newspaper to a candidate retweeting an obviously fake picture of Megyn Kelly. What surprises me, though, is that anyone would come to the defense of Fox News Channel. You’re not doing that, right?

  4. getting back to the subject of the post, if I might …… I do not think any interference by the republican house or senate will do anything but help the Clownton Crime Machine …. any republican that holds ‘hearings’ at this point, will only do the Clownton’s bidding. Consider what happened at the Benghazi hearing, or the Lewinski investigations …. only helped the Clownton Crime Machine
    please republicans, stand back, stoke the flames, don’t help …. let the Obama Fascist justice system side-step the issue & just publically weep & moan over the injustice of it all …….win-win

  5. Oh come on dude. I know you better than that. At best Trump posted that as a joke at worst a thumb in the eye with plausible deniability. Far cry from trying to dupe/threaten voters.

  6. So a faked newspaper dupes people, but a faked photo doesn’t. OK, I get it now. And if Trump decides to fake a newspaper, well, it’ll only be because he’s making fun of Cruz, not because he’s trying to dupe voters, right?

    Look – as I said before, I got no dog in this fight. I’m only pointing out how silly it is to accuse one candidate of doing the same thing as the other candidate is doing, to one degree or another. Nothing more than that.



  7. “deeply concerning”, “partisan and political”
    Said like a professional politician.
    Two minutes of yada yada…

    …instead of “she belongs in jail.”

  8. (geez…I *hate* these new “reply” buttons!!!)

    “deeply concerning”, “partisan and political”
    Said like a professional politician.
    Two minutes of yada yada…

    …instead of “she belongs in jail.”


    The GOP will manipulate everything in their power (as they have already to derail Trump). By March 15, when “winner take all” states are first allowed in the GOP Primaries, everyone should *sense* who is going to be the nominee. Therefore, I ask every voter in such “winner take all” states to vote for the clear leader at that time to avoid the distribution of votes, allowing the establishment to throw the nomination via a “brokered” convention to someone like Rubio or Jeb!!!

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