Cuban migrants to Mexico are arrested, beaten, extorted, deported by the Mexican gov. in collusion with Castro! – IOTW Report

Cuban migrants to Mexico are arrested, beaten, extorted, deported by the Mexican gov. in collusion with Castro!

Where’s your indignation, Mr Jorge Ramos (a Mexican citizen!)?

alejandro real cuba


This post’s headline comes–not from some redneck Trumpista in Alabama (or MUCH WORSE (!!!) Louisiana!)

No. It comes from a young Cuban lawyer living in Mexico– His name is Rafael Alejandro Hernández and he knows what he’s talking about, from firsthand experience. To wit:

* “You claim to be a journalist not a politician. But Trump threw you out only because you were out of line. Your behavior was shameful.

* “Every week thousands of Cubans migrants to Mexico are arrested, beaten, extorted and swindled by the Mexican gov. in collusion with the Castro tyranny! But I’ve never heard you utter a peep against the Mexican government over this, Mr Jorge Ramos! And you claim to be a proud and vocal Mexican citizen, Mr Jorge Ramos!”

* Why not come to Mexico and try telling President Pena Nieto that deporting Cubans to Castro means they’ll live in a prison. Why not practice what you preach, Mr Ramos?!  MORE

10 Comments on Cuban migrants to Mexico are arrested, beaten, extorted, deported by the Mexican gov. in collusion with Castro!

  1. What these two fine gentlemen fail to understand (/s) is that the caring Mr. Ramos is not so much pro-Mexican as much as ANTI-AMERICAN. Throw *that* in their faces at every opportunity, and let them choke on it.

  2. The Puerto Rican commonwealth is deporting Dominicans within a week, sometimes days or even the same day as they arrive illegally from the DR. There is no due process or ten year court case. They don’t want the Dominicans on their island.

    The Dominicans are deporting the Haitian invaders in massive numbers because they are illegally in their country. Meanwhile the Haitian criminals that are in cahoots with Clinton have stolen hundreds of millions in aide and kicked it back through Clinton’s cronies getting contracts in Haiti.

    The Mexican vermin are the worst when it comes to illegals in their country. They immediately imprison and torture them. Jorge Ramos is being exposed as a corrupt socialist tool of Nieto and the left. He is a rich scumbag mouthpiece. He was kicked out of Mexico a long time ago for being a revolutionary troublemaker.

    The more we stand up to the left, the more the truth comes out.

  3. The Mexican government has been assisting Guatemalan, Salvadoran and Nicaraguans for years to transit through mexico in order to get to our birder illegally. The Mexican govt doesn’t want to deal with them. These countries aren’t sending doctors and ticket scientists to invade the US illegally. They’re sending the unwanted poor And criminals.

  4. And to educate the public that his plan is the same plan that Harry Reid proposed in his 1993 Immigrantion Reform Bill and the Clinton proposed in 1996. After the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 they were under a lot of pressure to do something. Most people forget that. Clinton and the demons were boxed in and started giving lip service. They did the Welfare Reform Package, Safe Steets Safe City crime Bill, and pushed immigration reform ( which never went anywhere on purpose).

  5. It was also in the Clinton years when the media and politicians were going on and on and on about Iraq’s WMD programs. But when a Republican was in office and was actually willing to DO something about it – they all of a sudden didn’t know nuthin’ bout birthin’ no babies.

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